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Super productive week this week that felt SO motivating! Like a seriously-in-the-zone kind of week :D

First up, I finished the first draft of Book Four’s plans!!!

I already know some scenes I wanna shift around and add, but it’s still seriously exciting to see it as a whole piece in this very rough first iteration!

I then straight away got to typing it up into second draft form. This is where I take what I’ve done and write it out as is but start expanding it and begin to flesh out actual scenes.

For example, half a page of first draft plan turned into 9 pages of typed up plan because I began really delving more into the specifics of it.

There’s still a lot of work to go on it, but I’m already majorly eager to get writing this book, hehe! :D

Another fun thing this week was I got to record a video to start a fun series on Patreon for the Extra Glimpse posts!

The Extra Glimpse posts are where I can give a look at behind the scenes things, which I’ve been trying to give an idea of my planning process of Book Four but not having much luck due to wanting to avoid spoilers, lol!

So I thought you patrons on the (Swan Tier+) might enjoy planning out a Wayhaven-themed collaborative example project together! I’ll show you how I would do things in stages, then you guys get to vote on a poll how you’d like the project to progress, such as what setting you’d like the story to use, etc.

Might even end up going further and showing how I’d plan out writing scenes too if it’s something you’re finding helpful!

That starts on Monday! Really hope you enjoy it :D

So yeah, busy week but it just got the creativity pumping, as well as pushing my hype up even further for Book Four!

Hope you all have the most fabulous weekend! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll talk to you on Monday! <3


Jessamyn Howe

Your collaborative project thing sounds fun! Looking forward to how that shapes out.


The more you share about b4 the more excited I get (and I was already at peak excitement at the end of b3) The collab project seems so fun! Going to check it out!

Jason Bond

Wow!! Book 4 might have the fastest turn around yet

Ewelin Loo

The collaborative project sounds like such a great idea for us! Looking forward to hearing more about it 🤠


I'm hoping so! I'm putting more time and detail into planning so hopefully that'll mean writing will take less time *fingers crossed*!