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Water plunges in torrents down to the chasm below, thundering with such force that it makes the slick rocks beneath my bare feet shudder.

I grit my teeth as I swallow hard, edging carefully closer and peering down to where the water disappears in a sheer curtain downwards. “That’s, uh…that’s a really long way down.”

Adam stands to one side, the cascade of clear water crashing against his strong calves as though they are unyielding boulders. The hem of his swim shorts aren’t even wet, as though the water was too afraid to splash him.

I, of course, am soaked in my swim gear already just from wading through the river towards the waterfall. The water apparently didn’t think much of me.

He folds his arms as he arches a brow at me. “This was your idea, Agent.”

“Yeah, well, now it doesn’t seem like such a good idea to throw myself off the edge of a cliff with the possibility of a watery death at the bottom of it,” I state without taking a breath, backing up and almost tripping in my haste.

Adam’s hand shoots out to help steady me, spreading across the bare space between my shoulder blades. The touch seems to have a direct line to my heart, which responds by exploding into an erratic beat.

He removes his hand in a slow sweep across my skin. “Our next mission involves a possible escape by waterfall. Your idea of gaining some experience in such a thing before the mission is a good one.”

I glance at the edge once again and wince. “Is it really, though?”

With a roll of his eyes, he steps closer towards me and reaches a hand out.

I stare down at the outstretched hand, up his arm, across his broad shoulder, and finally to his glittering green eyes. They truly sparkle like crystalline emeralds in the warm sunlight.

But I’m also suddenly very aware of the fact he has no shirt on.

With my mouth suddenly dry, I try not to drag my eyes over the muscled, solid strength of his bare torso…It’s a real struggle. Especially with how low his swim shorts hang on his hips.

Eventually, I drag my mind out of the flurry of heated thoughts that intrude my imagination and reach out to slip my hand into his.

He walks towards the edge, leading me along beside him, and as my wariness piques, his fingers grasp mine firmer. “It is alright.”

My body relaxes at the mere sound of his voice.

We shift towards the middle of the waterfall’s edge, and I have to brace myself against the stream of water which bashes against my legs. But Adam takes my other hand and turns me to face him fully, helping to keep me from being dragged over by the current.

“In these situations, you must think of something other than the possible outcomes,” he explains.

“Like being mangled on the rocks at the bottom of this waterfall, you mean?” I suggest.

The slightest flicker of amusement quirks his lips up. “Exactly.”

“And how do I do that?”

“Forget the waterfall.” He steps in towards me, his presence like a tidal wave all of its own. “Think only of me. Listen to my voice. Concentrate on my breath. Feel my heartbeat.” He tugs my hand up and presses it against his chest, his hand remaining over mine.

His skin is sun-warmed and soft against my hand. I spread my fingers out on instinct, as though wanting to feel as much of him as I can whenever I get the rare chance.

His heartbeat flutters in soft kisses against my palm. The rhythm is familiar—a melody that matches my own pulse.

“Are you focused on me?” he asks. The question is breathless, barely a whisper of words over his lips.

I steady my gaze on his. How can I not be focused on him?

He’s all I can think of. All I can feel. Always.

I manage a nod.

“Then jump.”

And I do.

Grasping his hand with all my strength, we spring off the rocky edge and fall.

And fall.

And fall.

The water engulfs me, sucking me under and squeezing my lungs, my limbs crushed by the sudden weight of it.

But a tug drags me out of the cage of pressure. My body sweeps through the raging depths until it calms.

Adam gazes at me, floating before me like a ghost of a dream I can never quite catch.

His free hand strokes down my cheek and all the remaining air in my body expels into a stream of bubbles.

Then we swim up to the glimmer of sunshine that ripples on the surface.

Breaking free, I suck in a breath and then instantly let out a laugh.

“I did it!” I yell. “We did it!” Without thinking, I grasp him in an embrace, but his chest shakes in a laugh as well.

When I pull away, our faces are so close that our noses touch. Water cascades in lines from his hairline down the sharp contours of his face before falling over the soft temptation of his lips. They part beneath my sudden attention.

“Just one more kiss…?” I murmur, my mouth almost against his already.

His hands grasp my waist, promising to drag my body up against his. “I cannot,” he replies, even as his fingers trace the sides of my body with urgency. His wet lashes frame the sudden softness in his eyes. “It will undo me.”

“Then let it.”

Dimples appear in his cheeks as he smiles. “You are too much temptation for me, Agent.”

I let out a long sigh and rest my forehead against his, running my hands into the short strands of his hair. “I’m sorry. I know you can’t—”

“But I wish I could,” he admits before pushing himself away.

We tread water as we stare at each other, neither willing to move away but not daring to get closer either.

How could I have been afraid to jump when I have already fallen into the deepest depths of all?



Oof. Will the MC be forced into bringing up the kiss, if they had it, and begging for more constantly? Or can they just pretend it didn't happen (or almost happen), too?


I feel bad for my MC because they had the kiss and will now be denied anymore. 😔

Charlie Chan

omg this will forever live rent free in my head it’s so fucking good i can’t stop thinking about it AHHHHHH