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[GIF Description: Someone focused saying to the person next to them, ‘I’m in the ZONE!’]

I was so in the zone that I had to stop myself from just actually writing out the full scenes for the Love Interest dance scenes, hehe! :D 

I’m already SO hyped for them already! The song choices I have for each of them work so perfectly *chef’s kiss*



Do you think you’ll release a play list 👀??


There are going to be dance scenes!?!?! 😱 Now I'm even more excited for the next book 😍 We all know that N and F are going to be great dancers and A probably knows a thing or two from their past. 😉 But I am really interested in seeing M dealing with a formal dance. I am sure a charming detective could persuade them to show their skills 😁


I literally CAN NOT WAIT to write these scenes in the final book - planning them already has me giddy!

Jason Bond

I'm curious if you are going to use classical music or modern music? Ballroom would suggest the former, but anything is possible .


DANCE SCENE! DANCE SCENE!! DANCE SCENE!!!! You know exactly what to tell us to get me hyped as hell!!!

Mikey Ytreza

Oh my good, you hyped me with just few words. Now I'm excited like a child!


AHHHHH I'm internally screaming in excitement for a romantic Mason dance scene! 😍 I love his character development so damn much and feel like he's going to become more and more of a sap as the romance goes on, especially considering where he came from (that Patreon Halloween story you wrote for him really confirmed that for me). I love me a good "enemies"-to-lovers progression.

Emily Stringer

I cant even imagine the hoops we're gonna have to jump thru to get A to dance with us lol

Brendon Andrews

I'm not asking M to dance. Nuh uh. I'm too invested in my "torment with love" shtick. Gonna have to ask me.


You'll probably be forced to do it. After all, M doesn't seem to initiate anything but sex, except for that "can I have tonight" scene. My M-mancer would never ask, either, but she never would've gone to the warehouse or anywhere near him after he called her a slam pig, either and was forced. Had to avoid Verda's route (and Tina's) since M-mancers are forced to beg them there, too.

Sharon Steventon

Maybe they will have dance lessons before going to the ball. I'm sure it would be fun convincing M to go and actually dance. This book is going to be epic, I can feel it in my bones.


The convincing M part is why I actually dread the dance. I'm sick of my MC being forced to beg for crumbs. I'd rather she have the option to ask someone as a friend or go with Tane or Elidor and just avoid mentioning it to M until she's dressed and ready to go.


Not sure where all this begging is happening, but I will straight up ask given the option.


To see the begging, go play the Tina or Verda route (I don't, to avoid this crap). M laughs in the MC's face when asked to go to dinner, then the MC has to plead until they agree (instead of walking away, as they should have). Before that, M calls the MC a slam pig in public then the MC goes begging for a place to live--if the MC isn't mad, M offers to let them borrow clothes before kicking them to the curb. My MC avoided that, too, thankfully, because she was pissed. Basically, anything the MC wants that isn't "let's bang" results in the MC having to prostrate themselves before M (after M all but spits in their face, of course) to get them to agree. Therefore, I try to avoid my MC choosing any path that leads there. Unfortunately, the ball will probably be one of those unavoidable "beg M to do it" situations so they can crap all over the MC again before finally, reluctantly and crabbily, agreeing.

Sharon Steventon

To be fair I think that the events can be interpreted differently by different readers. I don't mind the MC having to nudge M in the right direction, he is, as Nate puts it, totally oblivious to his growing feelings for the MC.


Fair enough. Different people interpret things different ways. However... From a RP perspective, it's a very one-sided thing between M and the MC, with the MC always pushing/begging/chasing and M making it clear they don't want more than sex. Constantly being forced to "nudge" M--which turns into the begging and pleading, since asking results in M sneering and laughing in the MC's face--is demoralizing for a lot of MCs. Those MCs would rather just avoid the misery altogether and let M keep using them for sex, instead of repeatedly trying to spend time with M after M makes it clear they don't want that. Especially when whatever they are forced to ask is something they know M will hate (like being around other people, being seen in public with the MC, etc.). As it is, it appears this is the only future the MC has to look forward to: begging and pleading in hopes M may agree to spend time with them while M just blows them off until they want to get laid (or are upset because the MC almost died or got kidnapped) but reluctantly agrees to do things after the MC pesters them enough. There's really nothing else there, and the MC has no reason to believe M wants to be with them, since M is never the one making the effort to seek them out unless he's horny or worried. That's why a lot of MCs wouldn't even bother--better to find someone else to go to dinners, movies, and dances with than to have the guy you love spit in your face. M is happier sitting at home alone than being out with the MC, anyway.


I guess this must be if Tina or Verda find out about the things? Because I have yet to trigger that scene as they have never learned the truth however, the scene at home base came off more to me as genuine confusion? They set out the terms of your relationship from the get go and it wasn't whatever is happening, for me it stings but that ain't on them. I do like that regardless of how you feel about M, N will sum up your being there anyway best when they remind you that you are a member of the team and that this space is for you too, your being with M (or anyone else) does not define your position on the team, you belong here. As for my thoughts on M's interactions with the MC: It is natural so much so that they don't realize how much peace it brings. But, and this is a huge but: When coming to a direct confrontation with these new feelings they straight do not understand why without their memories this is such completely foreign thing, not to mention the horrific trauma that bleeds into their dreams that they have no explanation for which obviously triggers the full on PTSD laden fight or flight any time something unexpectant trips a boundary. TF you mean you want to go on a date? That's not what this is mate. Go home. None of this is an excuse for being an asshole but, I will note for the bakery they do point out they were being a jerk I never saw any kicking to the curb, just a genuinely confused question about borrowing clothes you are wet why else would you be here? And then stated the obvious which was "I don't know what's happening" which I approved of the way they went about it; that being said you can shut them down so quick they don't have the chance and you can also shut them down after the fact if you feel it isn't good enough, I have liked that they gave MC the chance to listen though which is the path I stayed with, it was a step towards growth which can only happen if you don't hide from it. They are going to need to define their feelings sooner or later. I would expect more lashing out as they fully come to terms with what they are dealing with. I have been playing this route as my main with that understanding. I am not in it for the angst, perhaps that is why it has read entirely different for me.


Yep, it's on the Tina and Verda routes. I don't get the scenes, because I avoided either learning once I learned M-mancers were forced to ask. Even ignoring M laughing in her face, my MC would never ask M to go to a dinner with her, period. She knows her place--she's someone to screw when M is bored and can't get it anywhere else. She accepts that. I mean, like you said, M flat out says it means nothing to them and it's only about sex. There's no friendship, no teammateyness... nothing but sex. Otherwise, M would've smirked and told Haley, "We're just friends... with benefits..." and left it at that, instead of calling the MC a fucktoy, but that didn't happen because M doesn't even see the MC as a friend (probably because, if they did, then the MC might get the wrong idea). And that's fine. M is gonna do M. The problem is that the MC shouldn't be forced to beg M for more--or anything, really--even if that means they miss out on certain things (like the ball) or have to go with someone as friends, which, honestly, would be much more pleasant than dealing with more of M spitting in the MC's face. I get that M is rude and crude (I actually love that, until he crosses the line), and that they don't want a relationship and are emotionally stupid, but there's only so much crap the MC should be forced to swallow, and turning them into a doormat is distasteful. If that means letting the MC opt out of dinners or dances because the only way it'll happen is if the MC begs M, fine, give us the choice and let us skip the damned scenes. Better that than another round of M-kicks-the-MC-in-the-teeth. So yeah, what you said about M telling the MC to go home and that it means nothing? Great. Fine. But after being shown such a lack of care and respect, let the MC walk away when that's said so they can have a bit of dignity. Let M deal with the MC going out with Tane/Lesedi/Elidor... hell, even Bobby... because M has repeatedly dissed the MC and they need a date. M says it means nothing and can't stomach the idea of even 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 to be with the MC, well give him what he wants. Maybe that'll help M pull their head out of their ass, maybe not. At least the MC can avoid the drama and be around someone who actually 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘴 them around. And, maybe if M sees the MC slipping away, they might actually 𝘷𝘰𝘭𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘳 to do the crap they hate just to be with the MC--in the end, that'd mean a hell of a lot more than the MC constantly begging and M constantly pissing on them then reluctantly agreeing to it. It'd certainly make the whole "romance" less one-sided, because that's really all it is right now. If being around her is such a horrid fate that she has to force it, my MC would rather M be the one to initiate all contact. She sure as hell wouldn't be chasing him down and pleading for him to tolerate her presence. Anyway, like you, I think there will be a lot more lashing out before M comes to terms with their feelings, because they don't want the feelings at all and don't want a relationship. It's why they get mad every time anyone suggests they're with the MC. I just want the MC to not be such a damned doormat. Being understanding makes sense when you aren't the one dealing with it, like the MC is. The next time M lashes out, I just want the MC to be able to turn and walk away without a word. Or, to make it more dramatic, say something to them like, "Yeah, M, I get it. I mean nothing to you and never will. Point taken." And leave, 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 crawling back to them. But M would never make the move to fix things, so crawl back the MC would. Funny you mention angst. Personally, I 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦 angst, but it's hard to RP this any other way when it's shoved down your throat. And if that's going to be the case, it would be nice to be able to have M actually have to 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 to convince the MC they care. You can only tell someone they mean nothing to you so many times before they believe it, and it's not something you can just say 'takesy backsies' and have them get over it. The damage M is doing to the MC with their hot/cold schtick needs to be addressed, and if they are going to refuse to ever say they love the MC and will never try to start an official relationship with them--with the MC just magically knowing it's all great--it's going to be highly dissatisfying after this long, drawn-out crap the MC has to endure.


Just because we love someone does not mean we are entitled to that love in return. Life makes fighters out of us and they can't let their guard down, at least that is the impression I got...not even sure if they know what happens if they do but judging from the crystal shop scene it's ingrained. Though, I will point out the love very much seems to be mutual to my eye. The MC is in love and maybe even acknowledges it, they know what that feeling is: they remember that life experience not to go through puberty levels of straight confusion but, M hasn't even been able to absorb that they just like *anyone* and they don't remember it either, much less understand that love is what it is they are feeling. It seems they have sleeping with other people entirely. If they didn't feel it they wouldn't have cared enough to ask what's wrong after the bakery, they wouldn't have asked if MC needed clothes, they wouldn't have tried to apologize at all, they wouldn't have tried to help at the blood drive, they wouldn't even think of MC and you know the cut scenes show you as the player that they do, F spells it out for MC even if no one else does and the others do whether it is to MC or to M, and that the very idea of MC being angry or pained hurt them and they couldn't even put together why then, they wouldn't feel fear when the MC is under threat, they wouldn't panic when they think they've been crushed or the auction scenes. They don't know what is happening, they tell you as much, they are confused, they tell you that too, M says they don't understand how to deal with genuine emotion, they didn't lie. They thought it was just supposed to be about the fun and are damned confused as to why it is not anymore because they feel something that isn't nothing. I suspect moving forward that part of M's growth will be them trying to put words to the feelings they have over time, trying to acknowledge them in a healthy way and it probably still won't be dinner dates and poetry but they will be by your side when the shit hits the fan. From the looks of if we might experience that emotion in a different way as I haven't felt anything of the frustration you are clearly expressing but, sometimes that love language is just wanting to be near someone, to just sit down shut up and enjoy their company, you don't need anything but their presence, you don't need to do anything but be yourself, they just ease all the other bullshit life throws at you and if it even touches that feeling which for me it has so far, I think I will continue to enjoy that story.


I think you misunderstand. I don't think the MC is entitled to M's love (nor does my MC). Quite the contrary. That wasn't what I meant when I said it's one-sided with Mason. I mean, my MC is in love with Mason, but she has no delusions about him returning that love. She's fine with accepting the meaningless sex until he bores of her and moves on (or so she tells herself), but there are lines Mason can cross that would make her walk away. Everyone has their breaking point. Hers is actually seeing him with someone else. As readers, we know M isn't screwing other people. Unfortunately, my MC doesn't have the luxury of knowing that and, given Mason's nature, she has no doubt he's out there screwing everything with a heartbeat (or not, not sure if some supes don't have that!). And she accepts that, as long as she doesn't have to see it. The moment she sees it (like, say, him and Alima "appearing" to be making out or more) and that'd be it for her. She wouldn't even tell him--but the next time he wanted sex, the answer would be no (she never says no) and the walls would be up (M's not the only one with issues, after all). I suspect we'll get something like this in b4 or b5, since Alima is now in the picture, but I'm 100% certain the MC--as always--will be forced to go crawling to M after misunderstanding, and that's the part that is one-sided. It's almost always the MC seeking M out, not the other way around. With the exception of b2!sex and the build-up to and after the auction, M doesn't go to the MC. The crystal cleansing? It's the MC basically hounding M to go, not M seeking the MC to ask them to go. Even when M is an asshole, it's the MC that is forced to go to them and wrangle an apology out of them, not M finding the MC to clear the air. That is probably intentional, because M 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥𝘯'𝘵 seek out the MC without being horny, worried, or forced (as they were in b2 when they show up to walk the MC home), but that would be fine. It just ends up feeling squicky after a while, like the MC is forcing themselves on M in a way M doesn't want, because M makes it damned clear it's just sex to them, the "I don't understand" crap aside (my MC has no clue wtf he's even talking about there, because he is too vague, something M typically is 𝘯𝘰𝘵). But the reason I brought up the wet-MC-goes-to-the-warehouse scene as an example of one-sidedness wasn't only because of it being post-bakery either. It's also M's reaction. I think you're stretching to say offering clothes to a wet MC proved they cared. That's just... no, I can't buy that. M is the 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 LI not to immediately suggest the MC stay there. There's a bounty on the MC's head and they just announced that their apartment is flooded (i.e., they can't stay there). They show up at the warehouse still soaked. M is the one that is assigned deduction as a skill, but they either lack any semblence of deductive ability or they're ready to hand the MC a pair of clothes and send them off to sleep in a ditch indefinitely, despite knowing that Trappers are after them. That isn't caring about the MC. Far from it. As for seeing the love as mutual, I 𝘥𝘪𝘥 see that by the end of b3--it went from subtle (the crystal scene) to less subtle (crushed by the building), then it started becoming blatant that M was in love when he showed up in her room and asked if she thought he could do without her now. Then, how he acted at the auction and the "can I have tonight" scene. Throw in the discussion with A--and the shot at the end--and I was 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘥 that the love was mutual and M was just afraid to voice it after spending the last six months telling the MC they are nothing but a sex toy. I was pretty gung ho about it. Until Sera said on her tumblr and in the chat that none of that meant anything and that M still has no clue. And you know what that means, right? It means that, when M took that shot to a "Never Have I Ever" that left 𝘻𝘦𝘳𝘰 doubt as to what it meant, he intentionally lied and led the MC on. When M told A they hoped the MC would be happy to have them, all but outright saying that he cared for the MC 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘺, he intentionally lied. That is the only explanation for M still having no clue how they feel, unless M loves drinking window cleaner for fun and was just pranking A, since the MC doesn't "have" him at all and he has no intention of being "had". Unlike you, I don't think M's growth and realization will include them trying to put words to the feelings. Given other asks, I wouldn't be surprised if M never admits having feelings at all, since that isn't their thing. I do agree that M would be there for the MC when shit hits the fan, but if they need someone to go to a ball with, they'll have to either beg on all fours or go with someone else. Since the narrative won't allow the latter, we get the former and it's nauseating. Don't get me wrong, M is my favorite of the bunch. I 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 the quiet moments in M's path. The roof scene in b2 was one of my favorites in the series, and the sense of peace during that scene was something that I could literally feel while playing. Chapter 14 in b3 (the crystal adventure) is another one of my favorites. I love 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 with M from that point on, really. But knowing it meant nothing and we'll likely be back to bakery M puts a dampener on it all. It also doesn't help that the climax of b4 is apparently all about the ball. M won't want to go with the MC (because, let's face it, it'd be miserable for them), but the MC will likely be forced into begging them and being spit on 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯 before M finally agrees. Things like the Tina/Verda dinner and the ball are perfect for MCs who are actually in a relationship with their LI (N and F) and for those who know their LI is in love with them (A, despite all the pain they heap on the MC). For MCs with no relationship and no sign that their LI actually enjoys their company outside of, ahem, certain activities (i.e., M), it can be painful, uncomfortable, and pretty unenjoyable all around. With the Tina/Verda dinner, we could avoid it by choosing a different path. With the ball, we're probably stuck with no way to avoid it, unless it's a mission-related thing and they're both forced to go, which, really, is about the only hope I have for it at this point.


It really seems like you're mad at all the romantic tropes in M's route and at every warning we, as players, are given about M from the get go. Like the 'begging' is the trope that M responds to MC. MC can ask (beg/puppy dog eye/persuade/just talk to) M to do things, where anybody else (not Bravo related) gets at best a death glare. That was MC in book one. MC talked to M and M all but snarled. MC literally puts M, and everybody like M, and their existence at risk with Tina/Verda, and you're mad M (impulsive, brash, angry M) isn't just chill with it immediately? Like, M gives Tina/Verda a chance- because it's MC. M has come leaps and bounds since book one in their draw towards MC- so much so I had to change my expectations on how much of an angsty slow burn their route would be. Now, M listens to MC. And if your MC has extremely extroverted, loud interests then you set them up for a hard relationship with M. Like, yes, asking M to do things that can be downright painful for them, they aren't gonna be thrilled with (and aren't the type to fake joy in doing it). But like, they happily walk the carnival with MC post a mission (kinda during a mission, and also do proposition them but only when a situation arises, not just out the gate- it can be read that it wasn't planned, just M saw an opportunity and wiggled eyebrows which is where most of the propositions come in- an opportunity arose they didn't plan things cause M isn't the type). Also MC didn't have to pester for the crystal thing. M didn't think to ask them to come before MC was in front of them(which, I mean, fair for this was a big thing for M they're used to doing alone), but MC was like "I'd like to come" and M went "yea sure"- not verbatim but essentially how my playthru went. M isn't the most thoughtful, and again, doesn't seem to do big plannings. M also is drawn to MC constantly, so I don't get "only wants sex" like yes- that's what M thinks and says. M has it set up in their mind that that's all they should want as it's all they've ever wanted. And they def like the perk and don't say no, but considering MC can say no and M still enjoys their presence, it's implying that's not really everything. And again, we the player knew from the gate this was gonna be a hurdle for the route and for M to get over. MC might be having some trouble with it- we the player should have been aware like idk maybe you're just frustrated on how long it's taking him to put 2 and 2 together? But especially as in every POV we have from M is M going "yea they're fine as fuck, but also maybe listening to their laugh is nice too- wait what" M is not just after a horizontal tango. These are just the romantic tropes you get with M's route. It's what M was set up for from the get-go. MCs might be ripping their hair out, understandably, and very frustrated with M and this emotional constipation, but also "why a lot of MCs wouldn't even bother" is very presumptuous, especially given how popular M is, so I don't really think that's true and many MCs are here for the long haul or maybe not even super bothered (now, real people- quite possibly, but that's why it's a romance fantasy- fuck knows I'd not put up with many things in RL that I do in fantasies). Like, you're very upset about M's route, and about M's tropes, and I think there was confusion on your expectations on M's route. M is very sweet, just not the most thoughtful- but again in their POV the players literally watch them in 2 seconds shrug and drop a train of thought, moving on with their life. M has had this Revelation that they have feelings hung in front of their face, with others watching going "omg really?" and it hasn't clicked. M doesn't do deep thinking- again something from Book 1 we were shown given the room scene where M just shrugs off wondering why MC is "extra appealing". (and it can be frustrating, but again, we were set up with this, as players, from the beginning). And, hell, as for the dance? I can absolutely see M happily dancing with MC like outside the big ballroom in the garden, where music filters out and they sway under the moon. If you wanted the RO to take MC for a romantic foxtrot in the middle of the dance floor, maybe look to N (or unit alpha and get a sexy salsa going). You don't have to like these tropes at all it's just odd you've picked the route that literally had them as a checklist on their red tinted flag and went "yes, that one" (no Wayhaven RO is actually a red flag, honestly, but M very well could have been).


Yeah, that is some self fulfilling prophecy shit. Good luck with that mate I am going to keep enjoying the story over here no feelings of angst attached.


Eh, I'm not mad at M's trope (sex to love, M is in idiot, M is a grump, etc), but I'm not fond of the MC being a doormat. I'm also not fond of the MC begging/pleading/prostrating themselves to get M to do stuff they know M would hate. Yes, M has come leaps and bounds since b1. B3!M was epic, even if it's all going to be stepped back from the shot and what M told A. For Tina/Verda, I'm not mad at M. I avoided that route because my MC would never have begged him to go with her. My MC is definitely not extroverted and has zero loud interests. In fact, much like M, she prefers the quiet and places with fewer people (or no people), because she's totally not a people person. That's not a problem. The problem is turning her into a pathetic whiner doormat, begging M to do things she knows he hates. She wouldn't do that, and wouldn't even ask because she knows what his response will be (sneering, laughing, and refusing). That's why I forced her into the "no one learns" route and won't even play Tina/Verda--she'd never ask him to go with her to the dinners. Period. And if she somehow overcame that refusal, as soon as he laughed in her face, she'd nod, leave, and go alone. It's just that simple. Begging is not in her nature. At least, not begging like that. The carnival was a mission. My MC wasn't thrilled to be there either, but M's presence kind of calmed her much like hers calmed him. And she was fine with haunted house sex. For the crystal trip, fair enough. I took it as more pestering (with the puppy dog eyes and practically inviting herself along), but it wasn't a big deal--just another example of it always being the MC to seek out M, and not the other way around (unless M is worried, horny, or forced by the rest of UB). Where I start having trouble with what you're saying is with M and the sex only thing. You pretty much summed it up when you said that yes, that is what M thinks and says. Sure, we readers know that they're thinking about the MC in a different light, but our MCs don't have that metaknowledge. I RP when I play, so while the LI POVs are cute, they aren't really "canon" for my MCs. The MCs aren't privy to any of that and can only go by what the LI says. In other words, M has told my MC that all he wants is sex, so that's what my MC believes. As far as she knows, M isn't a liar (something she appreciates!). That I see M thinking in other ways doesn't help RPing the game--and, really, I think those scenes are there to pacify the reader so it doesn't seem so hopeless. But, really, when you RP, it totally is that hopeless. For the "why a lot of MCs wouldn't bother" part... you misunderstand. I don't mean they wouldn't bother with M (M's the best), I mean they wouldn't bother asking M to do anything they know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, M will absolutely despise whatever it is they're asking M to do. For one thing, when the MC totally understands M's position (constant sensory overload), they wouldn't want to put M through that misery. Dinner anywhere would be hell for them, and I read the code for M's path there: they didn't even warn Tina/Verda that M is uber sensitive and would be bothered by strong smells, so please avoid pungent foods to show some respect to their guest and understand if M refuses that that's just how they are. It seemed inconsiderate of the MC, really. The ball is the other thing I referenced with the "wouldn't bother" comment. It is yet one more activity/place that would be like coarse sandpaper against M's senses. M would clearly hate it, wouldn't want to go, and sure as hell wouldn't volunteer to dance with the MC with music blaring in their ears. It's not difficult to imagine M's reaction to being asked to go to a place like that. For that reason, a lot of MCs wouldn't ask--out of courtesy to M and their issues, as well as the desire not to be laughed at and spit on for asking something so ridiculous. That's why I'm hoping the ball is a mission, because my MC wouldn't ask Mason to go and I hate having the MC forced into doing things like that. Personally, I'd rather not have my MC go to the ball than to have them beg and pressure M into going with them knowing M would be miserable. As for M as a RO, yes they are sweet. Love the character, love the way they show affection and care when they actually bother to show it. The last third of b3, M was absolutely perfect, even if it is all retconned to drag out M they have feelings for another book or three. My frustration stems from the fact that I thought we had gotten there by end of b3, really. But nope, M doesn't know. What's more, they can't know without analyzing the situation but will never analyze it because they don't like to think about stuff. So it should be fun waiting for the impossible and having the MC turned into more of a doormat to make them beg for things M doesn't want to give.

Rayven Sayavong

Please share the music when it’s released so I can listen while reading 🥺