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Nai knocks it out of the park with this awesome floorplan she managed to bring to life from my awful, unintelligible sketch plan, lol! :D

It feels good to finally be getting a pile of solid floorplans up together instead of just having them floating about in my imagination!

For those wondering why Douglas doesn't have a desk, it's because he mainly works at the front/reception desk. Otherwise he flits in between whatever desks are free.

(You can obviously imagine your MC's office—or I guess old office seeing as it'll be Tina's now, lol—however you like! This is just how Nai sees her MC's looking) 



Tina will have a great view of Pierson Oh, I am going to miss the station! Will they detective (agent detective?) still be able to check in there?

Giulia Carvelli

Why does the detective desk have all four corners? #jk


Aaaah that's exactly how I imagined it to be. This is amazing to have, Nai did a great job!!


i’m going to miss the station 🥺


Dougie deserves his own desk! I am going to miss our detective having their own space though


It will be so weird to not be a detective anymore. But I am very much looking forward to figuring out how this new agent position is gonna go!


I imagined the detective's office in the wrong place. I'll miss the station, was a great place. But it's in good hands with Tina. Here's hoping we'll be able to visit in the future.


Thank you, Nai! I have an ungovernable love for floor plans, so you have made me very happy.


Yeah, the MC will definitely be around the station. They need to check in with Tina and just catch up! :D


Glad to hear it's how you imagined it! The station is definitely one of the locations I had a very definite idea on!


Depends on if Douglas is still there at the station too depending on how the end of Book Three went for your MC! ;D


I actually planned for the agent position to come a bit later, in Book Four, but it just was such a perfect place to slot it in there! This is why it's always a good idea to let things flow sometimes rather than always stick to a strict plan :D

Charlie Chan

Will being an agent allow us to work closely with Tina and let us visit the station often?? otherwise I’m gonna miss it 😭


This is EXACTLY like how I imagined it!


Just a testament to Mishka's writing that she can detail something and everyone can see it so vividly and it turns out to be exactly how that person saw it! (Nai)

Erin Wall

I was thinking of an older building with reception a little off to the side. This works though. But I'm a cagey type of person, and how many officers would want their back facing the front of the building? Especially with so much glass up front?

Jason Bond

I was imagining this but REVERSED LOL


This is *so* close to what I was imagining! I always pictured the Detective's office being where the Kitchen is, the Kitchen moving north toward the back wall of the station, and the basement stairs getting slid over to the left to accommodate.