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(GIF Description: Someone giving a proper smirky-smirk...)

*rubs hands together* Oh my, am I ever excited for what's gonna happen! I mean, the ball makes me happy enough, but I forgot about some of the other smaller stuff and...well, I'm already intensely excited to write them, hehe! :D



Ooooohhh… :D I’m gonna hope that’s a Good Smirky-Smirk


Way too excited for what’s to come!


After seeing what happened in book three with A I’m not sure I’ll be able to survive their terminal angst xD


Same! It's all gonna be over for me. <3 Love the A route


As a Nmancer I am equal parts excited and worried.

Queen Zelda


Jason Bond

Agent Suavewell (N) for the win in 4 LOL. Actually I have tried the other members of UB but my MC ends up either emotionally or physically beat up LOL, no idea how you all are doing it.


Me too! Planning it all out is one of my fave parts but also just makes me want to get writing already, hehe! :D


And yet you just know there's so much more delicious angst to come, hehe! ;D (As well as romantic fluff to balance it out!)


There is quite the emotional rollercoaster going in the romances, that's for sure, hehe! At this point it might be enough for an emotional amusement park, lol! :D


Honestly N just gets better every book which is saying something when you start out as a 10/10. Loving the slow reveal and I have sooo many thoughts and theories about N it's kind of nuts. N has my heart.


Same!! My head is full of N theories that have shifted / evolved from this book!


I love the angst. No matter how often I try to romance the others, I always end up with A or the N and A triangle. I love a brooding vampire who suffers from self-hatred and inner turmoil.

Zachary DiPietro

I’m not ready to see the love triangle