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Oh my word! THIS IS IT! The last update before Book Three is released!!!

If you can hear intense shrieking, it's just me, don't worry, hehe! :D

This week I got even more test playthroughs done of the final files and got back to Hosted Games about those, so that was fun but also so scary—to think this is it! A few days and Book Three will be released!!

We're still pushing forward on the build-up content! Hope you guys are enjoying that! Also working on some really fun and interesting things to come on Patreon starting next month, including the Spring Scenario Specials!

The winning scenarios from the poll were:

- Pet sitting Dylan (the firestation's golden retriever)

- A couple's self-care day

- Paintballing

- Spring cleaning the MC's apartment

Good choices, guys! :D I'm not sure which love interest will get which scenario yet, but I already have some very inspiring ideas, hehe!

It'll be good to have those to think on next week. On the one hand, I'm so nervous about release I can't think of much else, but on the other hand once it's released I know I'll really be able to throw myself into Book Four planning, and I am seriously excited for that!

Not the most cohesive update, I'm sorry. My brain is a super mush lately because I really can't focus on much else than the release with it SO close!

Next week, it'll all be focused on the release on April 6th!


For Update+ this week, M and the MC enjoying some banter as they continue learn the dynamics of their friendship!


"Why do you automatically assume something's wrong when I come to talk to you?" Mason/Morgan challenges me with a frown.

I roll my eyes. "I'm sorry. Hey! How are you? Had a good day?" My voice pitches higher in faux enthusiasm.

"That's way too much small talk for me," he/she grunts, folding his/her arms before casting a smirk in my direction. 


Hope you all have a fabulous weekend! We'll be offline as usual, but I'll talk to you all on Monday ready for release week!! Aahhhh! <3


Jason Bond

I'm thinking (hoping?) that N will be either "Self care" or "Clean MC's Apartment". Dog sitting doesn't interest me and N and Paintball sounds wrong LOL


i seriously cannot wait to read book 3!! it's pretty much all i can think about lol. an early congratulations and thank you for all the hard work you've done &lt;33

Shams Mammadbayli

Let Ava has revenge with paintballing please 🤞🏻😂


Aaah, just one more week. So exciting!!! :D And that M snippet made me laugh. That could also be my detective who is doing the romance, they have the same dynamic with their M. xD


I feel like paintballing with M, would be a very bad idea. I can just imagine the bullying

Eryn Kados

I can see the couples self care being for F and N for sure imo!

Emily Stringer

Adam trying to do self care with the Detective would be hilarious. We're all out here echoing your screams!


Oof, all of these scenarios sound like hell for M and will make them more miserable and irritable than usual, so this should be interesting... 😖


N is sooooo a self care person like let me do face masks and paint Ns nails PLEASE THEYD BE SO BOUGIE


And the pain M would go through getting hit. I don't think they would be able to tolerate that.


I took off of work on the 7th so that I can stay in bed all day and read 😭❤️ I’m so excited!!


MC is making a very good point there xD Would you really want me to be super sweet and polite to you M?


My M-mancer would be more likely to raise an eyebrow at him and say the only two reasons he talks to her are because something is wrong or he wants sex, and, since they are in public.... (at which point, M would smirk and say public doesn't bother him, lol).


I love M and the MC just hanging out. They're so funny and so dumb at the same time.


I would sob happy tears to see that vampire in a nice spa face mask.


LMAO yeah I can't imagine Nat shooting the detective with a paintball gun without feeling absolutely horrible about it.


Haha, that's a very M thing to say indeed! :D My detective has a more perky personality so she teases him about being grumpy a lot. They've also only kissed up to now, so their relationship is probably a little less tense compared to your detective? They're in the weird spot where both of them are attracted to the other but one is not into one-night stands while the other isn't into relationships, so they have no idea what to do about that and then just sometimes make out with it really going nowhere. I'm so curious to see where Book 3 might take them! Only a few more days!!! :D