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[GIF Description: A kid giving a large sigh and saying, 'Eh...Well I tried']

For example:

label chap11_nkissykissy

label chap11_saynightnight

At least they're unique enough that I can find them easily again, hehe! :D

(For those unsure, labels are used in Choicescript and other programming to jump you to certain scenes after choices have been made, etc).


Jessamyn Howe

As long as *you* know what they mean, and it works, it's all good.


What do you mean? I think those sound very professional!


KISSY KISSY 😭🖤 I love it


chapter 11, huh??? 👀👀 these are very professional


Sounds like the way I label my work files and it's a completely and perfectly valid system.


I mean, they serve their function and you are a professional, these are your labels soo...looks like you've got this to me.


I am, personally, very invested in the nkissykissy line. This is the kind of coding I can get behind.


Heheh...kissy kissy...


I wonder, what kind of coding knowledge does it take to do what sera does?

Mina Murray

ohh can’t wait for kissykissy lol

Jason Bond

Am I the only one who noticed it says (N)kissy kissy? Emphasis mine. Can't wait to find out. :)


Not much! I am not a coder and definitely more of a writer! Coding is definitely something I would like to improve on though, just to help clean up my coding and make things a lot smoother!


I should start using emojis in labels...not sure it would work, but would make it so much more fun to actually code, lol! :D

Jamie-lee Poitras

Would be fun, but then also a headache since some emojis show up different on different kinds of phones 😆