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We're getting soooo much closer to release, guys! Aahh! :D

This week was mostly social media days, which were really a relief to throw myself into. Had great fun writing the content for Patreon and getting lost in the lore of Wayhaven with asks!

Glad patrons have been having fun with the Spring scenario poll already—glad you guys are choosing them because I would seriously struggle to decide, hehe! ;D

We've also been continuing working on Book Three release content, which will be starting very soon because it's April next month! Can you believe it??? We really want to get the word out about Book Three and Wayhaven as we're hoping to build things from here on so as we can start some really exciting ideas in the future (which we'll go more into after Book Three, as that's the main focus right now, obviously, hehe :D).

I did sneakily get a bit more early planning in on Book Four and, well, along with a change in story, the villain is also getting a personality make-over, lol! I've had this antagonist in my head for soooo long but then a new form of them just popped into my head as I was driving home from the hospital one night, and it has seriously stuck. I can't imagine them any other way now!

For people asking if April 6th is still the release date for Book Three—it is as far as I'm aware! I haven't heard any different. Hosted Games handles the release and decides the date, so I'm just here with you guys with fingers-crossed that it sticks, especially as we've planned the run-up to release with content! 

We just want to say again how grateful we are for all of your support, well-wishes, and patience during this tough time with our mum <3 She was taken in for a sudden operation on Tuesday and then Wednesday, and though it's going to be very slow, it really looks like we're on the recovery path now! Finally! It's been such a huge relief after so long. I'm actually writing this update from a table at the hospital waiting until visiting hours start so as I can go see her!

Next week will hopefully be the start of the release run-up stuff, some more not-so-sneaky Book Four planning, and maybe a last look over Book Three if Hosted Games can get the files back to me after their proof-reader (fingers crossed!).


For Update+ this week, a choice moment with Verda that was a little tongue-in-cheek being a writer myself... ;D


I bob my shoulders up as I lean back in my seat. "You've met Unit Bravo, and—from what I can tell—you even liked them. Isn't that proof enough that supernaturals aren't inherently bad? No matter what the stories or myths say?"

"Most stories hold a kernel of truth," Verda counters.

"Not when they're fictional ones made up by people with big imaginations," I say through a light laugh.


I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! We'll be offline as usual but thing will hopefully be getting a bit back to normal now, so I'll talk to you all on Monday! <3



I'm glad your mother is doing better, and I'm so excited for the release! I kinda hope the release day doesn't change, cuz I used some PTO that day. 😆 I know I wouldn't be able to concentrate otherwise!


Thanks for sharing the creative process, it's interesting how life's experiences influence art. Had loss and hospital visits in the family and recently so you have my sympathy. Wish you the best and so hyped for April, it's in the calendar!


Give your mum our well wishes! I’m glad it sounds like she’s doing a little better ❤️ And one month away… I can hardly wait!!


So much awesome stuff to be excited for in this update. Can hardly wait!!!


Verda must have had an experience bad enough with the supernatural … because N! Glad your mom is on the path to recovery! Sending you all love


I really like how you've done path of resistance with Verda when it comes to the reveal of supernaturals. And it makes sense due to who he is and his family. It adds so much variety and gray area and really pushes further the reasoning behind why the agency keeps things a secret. I just wanted to add this as one writer to another! I wish you a good weekend.

Marie Strange

Oh my goodness! Getting closer! I'm so glad to hear things are getting better with your mom, too! All good things. I do want to gently poke about A's unseen scene for Book 3, because I really wanna read that! Lol! Much love and appreciation for yall! 🖤🖤🖤


I'm so happy your mom is on the mend! She's lucky to have you and Nai taking care of her. ❤️ And I can't wait to see the stuff you guys have coming out for b3! Hope you have a good weekend!


I'm doing the same thing. In fact, I'm taking off both the 6th and 7th to give me time to go through it. I doubt my boss would appreciate me playing the game all day instead of working. XD

Melina Piepho (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-05 09:21:05 I am overwhelmed. My husband just informed me that tomorrow is the 6th and not Wednesday... Me and Dates😶 He has the kids now, I'm busy with book1&amp;2.
2023-03-05 07:54:01 I am overwhelmed. My husband just informed me that tomorrow is the 6th and not Wednesday... Me and Dates😶 He has the kids now, I'm busy with book1&2.

I am overwhelmed. My husband just informed me that tomorrow is the 6th and not Wednesday... Me and Dates😶 He has the kids now, I'm busy with book1&2.