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Book Three is submitted!!

It’s now with Hosted Games!

Obviously there’s still the very final readthrough and testing to do once I get the proof-read version back from Hosted Games, but that is generally a very smooth go through by that point!

So yeah, Book Three is pretty much complete!

*incoherent screaming*

…And I’m totally exhausted, lol!

I will be taking a very long break now before I get started on the planning for Book Four. My brain needs a serious refresh before I can push out that much creative energy again (word count did eventually push over one million as much as I tried to keep it under...), hehe!

But things won’t be slowing down whilst I’m gone!

There’s more trailers to come out, asks still scheduled, and a ton to come on Patreon—including something very special on Christmas day, and a peek at Unit Bravo’s first New Year’s eve together in January’s Monthly Bonus Content #2!

As well as something super fun for the Valentine’s specials…can’t wait to see what you guys pick in the polls for that one! ;D

Obviously there won't be any updates on a Friday until I get back, but I have scheduled the regular Update+ sneak peeks for Patreon, so you can enjoy those in the wait for Book Three!

I’ll be back in February to get started on the process of getting everything ready for Book Four planning, (I’m already seriously excited about that!!) and we’ll be off again!


For Update+ this week, a little heated moment with N to warm up these chilly days...


I shiver with a sigh. "Bringing out the charm already? It's a little early in the evening for that, isn't it?"

"You make it impossible for me not to want to charm you into heading somewhere much more private right now," Nate/Nat murmurs, the words kissing against my neck.


I will still be around Patreon on and off, but I might not be around to reply to comments as much, but I will definitely still be enjoying reading them!

Hope you all have a wonderful holiday season if you celebrate, or just an amazing end of the year if you don't! <3



congrats mishka!!! I hope you have a wonderfully relaxing break, and am so excited for book 3 ❤️


AHHH YAY!! Congratulations and thank you for all the incredibly hard work you've put into book 3, I'm excited beyond words. &lt;3 Enjoy your time off, you've 100% earned it! c:


Congrats!! Thank you so much for your hard work and I hope you have amazing holidays ;)) I am excited beyond words for book three :p


congrats sera!!! you def deserve the rest &lt;3

Eryn Kados

Now when is book 4??? Jk jk have a wonderful time off!

Jason Bond

Thanks for your hard work Sera, and enjoy your break! And thanks for the "N moment" too.




Congratulations! I hope you'll have a very relaxing time off! And thank you for sharing that little N moment with us


Enjoy your break!!


Congrats Mishka!! Can't wait for it to come out, but most importantly, have a great (and WELL deserved) break!

Jessica O.

Congrats on finishing another great book! Now to just uhhh wait in anticipation until we are blessed with the ability to read it

Keri M.

So excited to hear it and so happy for you. Can't wait to read it ^.^