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And then there's Mason/Morgan...


This is mostly joking, Mason/Morgan really can do the supportive, caring thing when it counts. It's just in this situation...it didn't really need to count! 🤣

(Sorry for the long gif post, I just couldn't resist when I was editing over this scene and it popped into my head, hehe! :D)



god, M reminds me of that "I didn't ask for the attitude!! // I know, It's on the house!! " post <3 ur doing great M sweetie


Hey, if M's not worried, then that means I don't need to be worried! *--Me, who's willing to logicize anything for my precious M ☺️*

Jason Bond

LOL! This was perfect. And yes, N is a hugger.


Something about the thumbs up from A is encouraging my whole week haha These are fun!


I'm glad my M-mancer would never, in a million years, look to M (or anyone, really) for support. So I can just head canon this out of existence when it happens. Otherwise, it would be totally guaranteed she 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 did it again. Besides, there's an ever-growing list of instances where M is crapping on her that can't be scrapped in head canon--I don't think one will matter!

Alexandre Thomas

It's okay M. I still love you regardless.


I feel like M is the sort of person to say, "You got this, you know you got this, stop wasting my time." like they're so confident in you, they wouldn't immediately get why you need THEM to tell you that you got this. which is, you know, not necessarily the point, but they'll learn ☺️


👍 That'd be a better reaction than M just glaring at the MC and not giving a damn, lol.


Man there are many a days I could use a good hug from N


sometimes anxious people seriously need an M in their life. of course vocal understanding is great, but when you're plagued by irrational self-doubt it can be super refreshing to have someone who's just like "seriously?" like they have so much faith in you they can see how useless and silly your lack of self-esteem is. it's like metaphorically getting dunked with cold water when you're stuck in an unhelpful thought pattern lol.