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A blast of cinnamon, pumpkin, and spices slams into my senses as soon as we walk through the shop’s doors. It’s enough to make me stumble back and wrinkle my nose. It’s not unpleasant, it’s just a lot.

I turn to Nate with a concerned gaze, knowing that if I’m struggling then he might not even manage to make it past the threshold.

Instead, what I find is a vampire with eyes gleaming brightly as he stares over the interior of the homeware store with mouth opening in awe. “This is incredible.”

I chuckle. “I thought you might like it. Not sure it’s worth the drive to the Big City—”

“Oh, it’s certainly worth the drive,” he counters, bustling inside and picking up a small figurine of a mouse surrounded by mushrooms. “Do you think this would suit our living room? Would you like it in there?”

I roll my lips together, trying not to be too affected by the way he says ‘ours’, reminding myself with a mental slap that I have my own place. Away from all the hustle and bustle of the vampires. Sure, Nate practically lives there too nowadays with how often he visits, but still…

“It’s, uh…quaint,” I finally reply.

His lips curl into a smirk. “So that’ll be a ‘no’ then.”

I step up beside him, taking the object and turning it over in my hands. The delicate porcelain feels as though it might crumble in my touch. “I’m just saying that considering the living room is prone to being invaded, that things like this might not survive very long.”

Disappointment draws a sorry frown across his features. “I suppose you’re right.”

“But you should get it if you like it,” I say, placing it down amongst the others. “It’s just that there might be something a little sturdier further into the shop.”

He rests an arm about me as we walk, letting out a long sigh. “The fact that we need to think of only acquiring ‘sturdy’ décor is quite limiting.”

“Well, unlike you apparently, I’m not actually here for décor. I have to get that birthday gift. Something autumnal.”

We glance about the shop that’s draped in fabric maple garlands, glittering with warm fairy lights, and displaying anything related to pumpkins or leaves.

Nate smiles. “I don’t think you’ll have much of a problem.”

As we move further into the shop, we come across a wall of candles. Some are lit, explaining the almost choking aroma of autumn that encases the whole shop. Nate lifts one candle and turns the metal tin in his hand until the text shows.

“Crisp Autumn Walk,” he reads before chuckling. “How does one encapsulate such a scent?”

“With difficulty, I imagine,” I reply with a laugh of my own.

We’re interrupted by an elderly gentlemen in a rather fabulous bowler hat walking towards us.

He clasps his hands together and bends slightly. “Do you require any help?”

Nate and I step close together, our hands clasped together between us, as we become one of those annoying couples that does everything in unison. And yet…I can’t help but love how naturally we do move together. Nothing needs to be said—it just happens.

“Uh, yes,” I reply. “We’re looking for the perfect gift.”

“Ah I see,” the man says, lifting a finger before pointing it towards a large desk that has a touchscreen monitor on it. “We have a very good system for registering desired wedding gifts.”

It takes a second to realise what he means, my eyes widening the instant that I do.

“Oh, we’re not—It’s for a birthday gift,” I correct, waving my hands, words stumbling slightly as my heart races weirdly fast.

Beside me, Nate is cool and calm, a half-smile curving his lips. “But we’ll be sure to take that into consideration. Thank you.”

“Ah good to hear,” he says. “Now if you follow me, we have a good range of gifts this way.”

As we follow a few paces behind, I glance to Nate with a brow arched. “You shouldn’t tease people like that.”

He leans in close, pressing a kiss just below my ear before whispering, “Who says I was teasing?”

And my heart thrums an excited tune I’m not sure I’m ready to hear…


(Just to clarify, I imagine this scenario much later into the relationship obviously, hehe! But I couldn't resist writing it when it popped into my head ;D)




I can’t wait to register for wedding gifts with Nate. 🥰

Liz S.

not me squealing in front of my family because of this🤭😂😂