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Flames crackle at the autumn night. Licking and spitting at the chill which keeps them at bay. But the warmth of the campfire still encases us in in its heated embrace.

Though I don’t think even being in the hottest part of it would warm me the way Felix’s body curled up against mine offers.

I relax against him and smile, watching as one rebellious flame manages to reach even higher than the others. “Are you sure this is ok?”

“What do you mean?” Felix asks, spreading his legs out beside mine.

“Taking a night off,” I explain. “We do have a lot going on right now.”

He nods. “Which is exactly why we need the time off. When was the last time you actually took five minutes to just relax?”

I lick at my lips before pulling my lower one between my teeth with a thoughtful frown. “I think I managed a whole cup of coffee last week. It went a bit cold, but I managed to finish it eventually.”

He tilts his head around to meet my gaze. “I really hope you’re joking right now, because otherwise that’s even worse than I thought.”

I bob up one shoulder. “Mostly joking.”

“Oh babe…” he coos, drawing me in closer and wrapping not only his arms but practically his whole body around me.

I spread my hands out across the soft blanket beneath us. “But this is good. Autumn is the perfect time for campfires.”

“Ah, I’m more of a summer guy myself,” he states, drawing away slightly. I end up shuffling closer, even the small gap between us feeling like a canyon. “Autumn’s nice and all, but you can’t do as much. And everything is starting to turn. I prefer when everything is at its fullest.”

I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face at that remark. “Yes. But I think that’s only so as you don’t feel so out of place. Being at your fullest is pretty much how you live all the time.” I meet his gaze with genuine curiosity. “Isn’t it exhausting?”

He arches a brow. “Babe, you do get I’m a vampire, right? I don’t really do the exhausted thing.”

I raise a finger and press it against his chest. “That’s not true. I’ve seen all of you looking seriously drained sometimes.”

“Alright, well, I don’t do it for long,” he corrects with a grin that sends happiness sizzling through my limbs.

“I’m surprised you’ve managed to sit still as long as you have tonight,” I comment, our bodies resting back against each other. They fit together perfectly, like two halves meant to be. “I appreciate it though.”

“That’s because I am still giving my fullest.”

I turn to him. “You are?”

“Sure.” He angles closer, bopping the tip of his nose against mine before giving it a gentle peck. “I’m giving my fullest in caring for you.”

My heart does a little hop in my chest, my tongue unable to form a reply, my breath stuttering in my lungs.

I lift my hand and rest it against his cheek, sweeping my thumb across his lips which part at the touch with a gentle breath. “No one’s really done that before.”

His smile falters briefly before he manages to make it shine even brighter. “Well, I will always be doing it. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever cared about anything more.”

“Felix…” His name whispers from my lips. It’s difficult to tell if this is a dream or reality. The dream-part urges me to just enjoy this, to believe that it’s real and that it will last. The reality part of me hesitates, fear at sinking too deep could leave me broken if it ends.

The dream part wins as Felix leans in closer, temptation and sweetness mixing in a hypnotizing swirl in the depths of his amber eyes.

Our lips meet in a kiss that seems to make the fire roar in envy.




felix🥹🫶🏼🫶🏼i can’t help but grin like an idiot whenever his scenarios get published


This was the sweetest thing!! I love F prioritizing care of the detective. And the lore that F is definitely a summer person


F scenarios always make my heart skip a bit ❤️


F is so warm, sweet, and open (and fun, did I mention fun?). A friend was asking me about playing Wayhaven and wanted me to sum up the LIs in one word... for F, it was "snuggly" and this is a great example of it. 💖


F my beloved ❤️❤️❤️




Oh yeah, F is definitely a summer person. They're also the best at coping with the heat (except maybe N), so those hot summer days are their jam, hehe! :D