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On Tuesday night (morning?) at 1am, the writing for Chapter 19 was completed!! :D

I hadn't actually meant to stay up so late, but I was on a serious roll, and I could see the end in sight so I just went with it! I'm a night owl anyway, so it worked out well.

Editing was supposed to come next, but I was way too eager to get started on Chapter 20 so I jumped straight into it on Wednesday and have been hammering through it!

Chapter 20 is gonna be a long one to write. It has a couple of 'mop up' scenes at the start which actually have some huge moments in it as well as a major choice concerning a couple of characters depending on which branches your MC chose. Book Three is definitely one for quite a few of the BIG story and character branches starting out.

After those scenes, it's split scenes for the love interests where there's quite a bit of emotional impact, especially to a couple of them! Oh guys...these scenes....

I'm going to keep writing today and get to editing tomorrow. There is a ton of editing to do, especially as I still need to get chapters over to SpunkyCat, but now I'm so close to the end I'm just really driven to get all the base writing done and wait to do the editing and things when I can give my full concentration to it.

Next week will be social media days, so I'll be writing around that. The last of the Spooky Scenarios went up on Patreon this week, and next month will also have more Special Scenarios but this time Cosy Autumnal Romance! I'll put up the dates and descriptions of those in next Friday's update after I've written them.

Phew, it's a serious buzz of energy at the moment! I'm anxious, I'm excited, I'm eager... a lot of feelings going on as I really am reaching towards that end point for the writing!! (Chapter 20 is the penultimate chapter!)


For Update+ this week, just a moment when your BFF has to remind you that your sarcasm doesn’t always come off quite as intended...


"[Name], you do realise that could come off as threatening," Nate/Nat says, daring to look away from the Trappers for a moment towards me.

I suck in a breath and wince. "Right." My focus drops back to the [Redacted]. "Sorry."


More Redacted making an appearance, hehe! :D

Hope you all have the best weekend! We'll be offline as usual, so I'll talk to you all soon! <3


Thomas Fieldburn

There's nothing wrong with coming off as threatening Ava and Morgan as exhibit a


So how many chapters will book three have in total?

Shams Mammadbayli

I love and at the same time hate the way you tease us 😭💙


"there's quite a bit of emotional impact, especially to a couple of them" AAA I'm so excited, I'm going to spend the months until it's out analysing everything you say 👀


Gosh, it’s so exciting to know the base writing is so close to getting done!! I’m really excited! Just make sure you take breaks and get plenty of sleep!

I Love You



That's awesome that you're so close to finishing! Getting me excited, too! XD Quite a bit of emotional impact especially to a couple of the RO scenes, you say? I have a feeling my N and F detectives will be very pleased with this!


Yeah, there are 21. But 21 is more of the fun epilogue kind of chapter, so it'll be a nice way to finish off writing! :D


Hehehe! There's emotional impact for all the romances for Book Three, it just comes at different times. For a couple it happens to come at this moment...


Me too! I'm trying soooo hard to not spoil things but it's getting more difficult the more excited I get about stuff :D


There's real emotional impact for all the romances in Book Three, they all just happen at different times (I like to make sure all the romances have their own feel and develop naturally for that LI and MC!), so you might be a little surprised to find which LIs get a big moment in this particular chapter... ;D


Ah, Mishka, don't get my hopes up like that! You know which LI I'm dying to see some emotional progress from (and so is that MC, even if she won't admit it!), and I don't want to get all excited only to have his emotional display be something like, "Glad you aren't enslaved or dead. Wanna bang?" 😝 (and yes, I know you wouldn't do that, and hope he wouldn't either, but I have convinced myself not to expect more than that for another couple of books so I can only pleasantly surprised if there's more than that!). Every time you post something now, I feel like Matt Mercer... "Is it April yet??"