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[GIF Description: Person very excitedly fist pumping and saying, 'I can't help myself']

It's only a small line that most people might not even get, but it just really gives a nice emotional, angsty moment between characters for a moment, so I just couldn't resist adding it in! :D



mishka have you listened to taylor swifts new album?? sweet nothing reminded me of N/F🥹💕it’s so tender and soft. also the great war could apply to all 4 when shit really goes down in the later books


Murphy is such a creeper, wonder if we've seen the last of him?


I love the callbacks to Murphy and how some lines can bring back a traumatizing moment, making it clear that this was something that the detective isn't over. When I was doing my Felix romance in the demo and during that blood drive flier handout l, I picked that one line that gets the detective to flash back. It was so sudden for me and very immersive. I hope you continue to throw in more callbacks to their time with Murphy.


I love the sweet angst of murphyyyy, my detective is gonna shit themselves when he comes back lol


Angst is that good good seasoning on top of Wayhaven that we all love


Mention of Murphy is the kind of angst I actually enjoy, so I'm all for this. Even my badass MC gets tense at the mention of Murphy, despite not being bitten and capturing him. Burying problems isn't such a good answer to dealing with emotions, but she is an A-wannabe. ;-P Amusingly, the one who can't fight her way out of a cardboard box and actually got bitten just shrugs it off.

Margaret Fisher (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 04:04:55 Always feel free to give us those added little nuggets of Murphy angst....not like I deliberately have my perfect statted and fully energized Detective freeze during the final confrontation with the specific aim to get bitten on the neck so the LI can feel guilty about it in book 2 (especially Adam) >:)
2022-10-24 21:28:32 Always feel free to give us those added little nuggets of Murphy angst....not like I deliberately have my perfect statted and fully energized Detective freeze during the final confrontation with the specific aim to get bitten on the neck so the LI can feel guilty about it in book 2 (especially Adam) >:)

Always feel free to give us those added little nuggets of Murphy angst....not like I deliberately have my perfect statted and fully energized Detective freeze during the final confrontation with the specific aim to get bitten on the neck so the LI can feel guilty about it in book 2 (especially Adam) >:)


I did this with three of my four detectives (well, they did it... they didn't handle the Murphy fight so well, though only one of them had Murphy escape on her). My M-mancer was the one I wanted to get bit, but she's too damned good at fighting. Oh well...


I haven't! I didn't know she had released a new one (I don't tend to keep up with current things... :D) Will definitely have to give those a listen!


Definitely not seen the last of Murphy! He was our original bad guy...got to bring him back just because of that ;D


I don't like to do it too much, because I don't want people to think Wayhaven is too dark or anything about that, but it's definitely something that will be called back on during the story! How could it not? It was MAJOR moment for the MC! (At least if they are upset about it still, not so much if you chose not to be bothered by it. Like to make sure people's choices actually impact their characters thoughts and things!)


It's fun to play characters that way though! Sometimes people react unexpectedly to certain situations, and that's why I try to give as much choice as I can instead of assuming how MC's are gonna react!


This is what I like to hear! Sometimes people would call getting bitten the 'fail' choice, but it leads to unexpectedly fun scenes later, right? That's what I want for Wayhaven's 'fail' moments. They're not failed scenes, just lead to different things!