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So, Chapter 19 was finished...

Now anyone who knows me or has been following me for a while will instantly know what I'm going to say next, hehe! ;D

Yes, I am now adding more to it! 

Writing for Chapter 19 was done-I was super excited because I was a day ahead, but as I was going through it and making sure I hadn't missed anything off the plan, etc, I came to this one section and I just realised that—as a player—there was another option at this point as well as a perfect opportunity for stat-based variation to take place too.

I left it, because changing it would be SO much work.

But I just couldn't leave it. I knew that if I was playing it, then I would want those options in there! And as I've said many times, I write Wayhaven because I want to play it, but I also want it to be the best it can be :D

So yeah…I've begun the process of taking it from one neat wrap-up to having 3 variations!

I'm working on it as fast as I can and although it is a lot, it's very much worth it! I'm really happy with it, and I already know exactly which of my MCs are gonna end up with which variation!

But even with those extra variations added, I should have it properly finished by early next week! I will do some editing next week as well, but I'll also be moving straight onto Chapter 20—there's some scenes in that chapter I have been dying to write for sooooo long!!

A short update this week just so as I can get back to it and push through! As we get closer to the end I'm starting to get such intense excitement about you guys finally finding out what's to come!!!


For Update+ this week, sometimes the not-possibly-best plans are still the ones to go for (depending on if your MC wants to choose that)! :D


I do know something supernaturals want more than me. As the idea forms, so does an unravelling list of scenarios of how this could go so very, very wrong.

So I decide it's best to do it before the list gets any longer.


Hope you all have the most amazing weekend! We'll be offline as usual, so I'll talk to you all next week! <3

(If you are waiting on rewards or an email about rewards, then it might be in Junk/Spam folders. If you haven't heard anything after a few days of signing up, then please do get in touch! Patreon has changed some stuff around, and I really don't want to miss anyone while getting used to the new layout for notifications)



What a coincidence! Not-possibly-best plans are my Detective's specialty!


Glad to hear everything’s going well Mishka, absolutely cannot wait to read this bad boy!!


lololol I love this Update+ Better do it before the self-preservation instinct kicks in!


Water is wet. Sky is blue. Mishka is making more work for herself. Yup, nothing out of the ordinary here 😉 And MC seems to be trying to see how Vampire Healing handles a heart attack 😂 I’m sure the rest of UB will love this plan they are thinking of

Jessica O.

I’m so excited I’m vibrating ahhhhhhhh! Been inspired to start writing my own stuff lately too it’s been great (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ I’m gonna scream so loud the whole world will hear it when book 3 is finally out I’m so excited!


The flow chart of choices must already look insane. Lol can you imagine what it's going to be like by book 5? We all appreciate you for it. The work you put in to can only be described as a labor of love.


Im so excited for book 3. I can not wait to dig into content thats after where the demo ended.