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[GIF Description: Person hesitating before saying 'I probably shouldn't']

I didn't but oh, ohhhh...it was seriously tempting, hehe! :D


Outis Curiosa

That moment when you know you live for them puns 😌

Azereth Sopkovich

There is no inappropriate time for a pun or dad joke


You should put it back in and just play it totally straight faced 🤣

Thomas Fieldburn

Don't ruin the moment with a bad joke. An epic one yes


LOL! I would totally have to write A's reaction to it though, and F's...just because it would be awesome :D

Lady Rutherford

Don’t be shy now. Puns can only make the game better!

Lady Rutherford

There are plenty of mc’s that would do it or appreciate the good pun from someone else


But what if my MC would make the pun?? I have at least 2 who absolutely would make a pun during an intense moment!

Nikil Menon

Is N towering above us holding the last secret file on her over her head? Don't want my MC to jump to a conclusion here. hue hue


Jumping to conclusions is probably better than jumping off the cliff, lol. Though shapeshifters can shift into any living form with organs that match their own, so likely felt pretty confident about turning into a bird and flying off, hehe! :D


Aww pun please?