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Hello! It's Naomi here, posting on behalf of Mishka whilst she's off as she wanted to make sure you were all aware that the Book Two save system is now up and ready for you to utilise for your many play throughs!

She also wanted to make sure you all got your Update+ this week so here it is...

If Bobby told about the kiss and they have bad relationship

I twist away from Bobby with a roll of my eyes. "Oh, wonderful. It just had to be you."

If Bobby told LI

"Oh dear," he/she coos. "You're not still sore about me telling your new friend about our kiss, are you?"

"What are you even doing here?" I growl.



Thomas Fieldburn

Naomi, if no one told you recently you're good people


I let the Bobby kiss happen just because I wanted the delicious drama that would unfold once the LI found out


Finally! The game is a joy to play though time and time again, but I have shit memory, and there's always something special about the first few times. I wish choice of allowed the feature to be included from the get go for a game like this.


So excited!! I need to go back and replay all my routes Ah! So that’s how you get that scene - my main detective has a good relationship with Bonny

Margaret Fisher

Yesss.....our detective might be kidnapped, but at least Bobby is probably going to be sold off as monster kibble. Or he could be helping the bad guys, which would make sense too >_<


A good excuse to replay Book 2!

Leah Presper

I just did a play through…and there was no save system at the end of Book 2. Anyone else having the same problem?


Just did another playthrough and it saved for me at the end of book 2