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Chapter 19 was certainly off to an interesting start...hehehe! :D

So I was hammering through the openings, really pleased as there wasn't too much split at the beginning before it all came together. Then I was sitting with Nai one lunchtime, staring at the table as I was thinking over what I wrote, and was like, 'I'm gonna have to rewrite what I've done for Chapter 12'. 

Cue Nai looking at me like:

[GIF Description: Person making a very confused 'Huh, what?' expression]

I loved what I wrote, it just wasn't right. After all the build up, what I'd opened with was way too much of a lull moment. It slowed the narrative down too much. So I went about fiddling with what I had and rewriting sections so it's WAY better now and it flows like it's supposed to!

But I have kept what I wrote 'cause I know I can fit it in at the end. Especially as they were love interest moments, and I really don't wanna lose those. Sometimes you just have to work things around rather than get rid of them completely! :D

I was really worried this was going to set me back, because I also changed up a big choice set. It was supposed to be a skill-based choice set, but I realised it would be the perfect opportunity to bring the new stats into use! They won't really come into play until Book 4, where they'll start being the more important stats, but this was too good a moment not to add them in so as people can start deciding where they'd like to go on those.

Yet even with all of that, I not only hit my goal but surpassed it!! Which made me very happy :D

The reason I had a very specific goal this week is because I am off on vacation next week! My friend from America is visiting, and we haven't seen each other in like...12 years? Blimey, time does fly! So we're gonna have a fun week together, refresh my brain, so as I can come back for the big final push!

When I get back will be jumping straight into social media days. But I have few asks already scheduled for next week as well as all the usual Patreon posts, including the first of the Spooky October Specials:


'On a Moonlit Night...' (Felix/Farah Spooky Special)

Having been ordered to set up camp and keep watch for the night, F and the MC find themselves a little distracted…right up until the point a shadowy figure decides to make a spooky appearance outside of their tent.

And as the MC says, 'You know, I’m pretty sure this is how most horror movies start.'


No news on the save system yet, which I've mailed Hosted Games about.

But Book Three is up on Steam ready for you to wishlist! 


We'll be doing some big, exciting marketing for this when I get back! Very fun things planned :D


For Update+ this week, I pulled out some stuff as I was editing that isn't so spoilery but then couldn't decide which one to use because I enjoyed them all so much, hehe! :D

Decided on this moment, when even Mason/Morgan might possibly be surprised at some of the MC's choices if you make them...


If high 'Heart' stat

"Seriously?" Mason/Morgan asks, disbelief making his/her words slow.

"Why not?" I retort.

He/She shrugs and glances away. "No reason. Just not what I was expecting from a bleeding heart like you."


Hope you all have a fabulous week ahead! I'll be back on Wednesday 12th, so I'll talk to you all then! <3



The noise I made upon wishlisting it should not be produced by any human creature in the history of ever


Enjoy your vacation!! Off to wishlist on Steam right now haha :D


So excited!!! Have a nice vacation week :))


Can't wait for the halloween specials~~ Have fun with your friend Sera!!

Marie Strange

Freaking out right now! I'm so excited! I sure do hope you have a good off week with your friend! Thank you very much for your art. 🖤🖤🖤


Ya know it would be kind cool if after the books release we got to see earlier drafts of what you’ve written. You always post that ur changing something so i think itd be fun to see a before/after of it too sometimes.


Appreciate the insights on the development, I can tell from this update how much craft goes into putting it together. I'm really excited!

Thomas Fieldburn

If that shadow is Morgan playing a prank....

Samson LaRue

every update just makes me more excited


The Halloween special sounds amazing!! Aah! So much excitement and movement Have a fabulous vacation!!


Enjoy your vacation, Mishka! 💕 And I’m absolutely wishlisting Book 3 on Steam when I’m home from work!


Wishlisted as soon as I saw and I can't believe it's already so close (and so far away at the same time) &lt;3

Taylor S.

Release date, release date, release date!! I’m planning a weekend long, possibly solo vacay to completely indulge in this book and most of its variations and I’m so excited I can start planning now! Have a great weekend Mishka and enjoy your vacation 💕


STEAM WISHLIST MOMENT i am sso happy u habe no idea. i spent the past few minutes zooming onto those steam screenshot pics for crumbs &amp; i got so excited... i am running circles in my room as we speak. its so close yet so far i will cry. i am cryinf


I'm so excited for the progress you've made, Sera! Hope you have an amazing time off with your friend because you certainly deserve a break after all that hard work.❤️ This Update+ made me imagine my let's-save-everyone MC just go "eh, I had a bad day, these people are annoying and I've got this knife right here...🗡👀"

Mina Murray

I will be asking for several days off for the release 🥰🥰


Save system was just added according to steam!

Jamie-lee Poitras

Wishlisted!! The wait is definitely worth it.