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"You'll have to work on revenge later. Make for the vampires. They'll keep you safe," I whisper to the [Redacted] who is clutching at my arm, his body shuddering with fear.

He swings around with a choke of breath. "They're vampires?!"

I roll my eyes but at least hold in my sigh. "Yes. But they'll be able to protect you."

"Oh yeah. I hear the best bodyguards are the ones rolling around on the floor in pain—"

"Would you just go already!" I end up hissing.


Forgot about this moment and found it again during editing. It made me chuckle, so I thought you guys might enjoy a sneak peek at it ;D


KPO Live

Omg, I'm SO excited. I'm SO LOOKING FORWARD to playing this


Ugh! I need more! Who is supposed to be hiding with the vampires? Why is it alluded that the vampires are ON THE FLOOR IN PAIN?!?!?!?!?