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[GIF Description: Guy looking at disaster scene saying, 'My bad'.]

I do love writing the triumphant (often slightly smug) moments the MC can have when they pass a check for a choice, but oh my word do I have some fun with the 'fail' versions too, hehehe! :D



I always try to get everything right, my MCs are pros (😜lol), but I think I'm gonna replay again and get everything wrong haha


I have one total eff-up character who will totally screw this up no matter what (F's path, lol). The others vary from competent to someone who can deal with whatever gets thrown at her without blinking (unless it's feelings, then she's a wreck). I am hoping the latter--my combat MC--will be stuck using her 1% people skills here so I can see the dumpster fire that would be the result. XD


Failure is never really a failure as long as you do it in style 😎✨️


I'm hoping the fun 'fail' moments will encourage people to just enjoy playing rather than focus too much on making sure it's all perfect, hehe! :D


It's a choice set, so you can definitely choose the skill that isn't suited to your MC's best skills! I hope you enjoy those moments, hehe! :D