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Short one this week as I'm super in the zone on the majorly emotional scene I'm working on!

Chapter 18A is coming excitingly well! I've added in a couple of extra choice sets, but they were definitely worth it as I want more opportunity for the MC to make their opinion known in that scene. Especially as it's such a seriously dramatically intense moment!

Social media days went super smoothly too this week! Had a lot of Mason/Morgan asks this month, so they were fun to answer :D

Loved writing the Patreon scenarios! The Adam/Ava halloween-ish scenario was great fun! It's nice to see Adam/Ava and the MC kind of just enjoying their time together and forgetting about the drama sometimes, hehe!

I ended up deciding on Mason/Morgan for the love interest PoV of Chapter 6, Book Three for the Unseen Scene this month. So hope you guys enjoy that ;)

Nai will be away next week, so no reblogs, but there will be Instagram post scheduled as she has some fun things ready to go for those!

I'll definitely have Chapter 18A finished tomorrow, so I'll be starting on Chapter 18B next week!!!


For Update+ this week, a little snippet of when you're charming enough to get away with almost anything...


I glance away before looking back to him with a shrug. "I thought someone of authority should hold down the fort here?"

"So what do you think I am? Some useless decorative ornament stood out front?" he barks.

If very charming and have good relationship with Sung

"You are very pretty, sir," I comment.

The slightest hint of amusement tugs on his lips for a moment before he shakes his head.


Hope you all have the most amazing weekend! We'll be offline as usual, so I'll talk to you all next week <3


The Inecksplicable

'You are very pretty, sir' had me dying😂 Happy to hear you're progressing so well. Very excited to hear it too 😁


so so so excited about that A Halloween special! &lt;33 and the Update+ is gold, my detective is all about his charm so i can't wait to see that in game lol

Skippy Hugo

I can see charming and having a bad relationship being like "Yeah, like that cat on the front of old Jags. Mrow" But M's scene is probably the one I'm most interested to see because of their attitude towards the Detective having a supposed immunity to physical supernatural barriers.


lmao nobody is safe from charming mcs 😂


Calling Sung pretty is… such a ballsy move. I love it lmfao


morgang eating good this week ⁉️⁉️ i love to see it. also, charming mcs are like, my favorites. the specific moments for them are always on point 🤌


Oooh! We get M's POV! I'm sure their reaction to the MC being able to get past Sin's barrier will be interesting--wonder if they'll still be worried about it like before? Or be impressed? For Sung... I have one MC with a really good relationship with Sung and she has less charm than A, lol. So she won't be getting that option!


I'm liking how Sung and the MC's relationship is progressing, even if it is a very small thing in the story!


M's scene was an interesting one to write! They already have such complicated feelings towards the MC, that this just makes things even more, well, complicated, hehe :D


Omg! 🤣 I can only imagine Sung go "😳😳😳" That's hilarious xD