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Exciting week this week with starting with Chapter 17!

But also, I had a blast with editing! I totally forgot what I put into Chapter 9, hehe! :D So rediscovering all the different possible scenes, and the fun in those had me smiling so much and so eager to find out which scene you guys end up choosing!

Also managed to get the text assets and amended graphics to Hosted Games, so that's all ready to go for them! It's nice as that's usually a huge task during submission, so to get it done now is one major thing I don't have to worry about during the hectic submission process.

I keep meaning to check Book Two to see if the save system has been added into the end yet, so if anyone knows if it has, could you just drop me a message! I’d be super grateful! Otherwise I might ask Nai just to run through that and see for me. She’s coming up with some Instagram and merch stuff involving Book Two stuff anyway, so she’s part way through!

So yeah, it’s been a busily intense time but a very exciting one! :D

I’ve broken the plan for the ending chapters into two different versions, which are A and B (so it’s Chapter 17A, Chapter 18A, and Chapter 17B, Chapter 18B, etc, right up until Chapter 19—then Chapter 20 is the ‘aftermath’ chapter, and 21 is the epilogue-type thing!). I think this was definitely a good call to do them as completely separate versions. I’m not sure yet if I’m going to write the full A version of the ending chapters, and then come back and the do the B version. Or if I’m going to do Chapter 17A then 17B, then do that with Chapter 18.

Hope that makes sense! :D

But Chapter 17A is coming along SO well! I changed it slightly to the plan, but I definitely think it was good to make the change as this version has some more emotional punch to it!

It was also the start of getting the floorplans for the Warehouse and other locations finalised (I'm glad you guys enjoyed the kitchen floorplan and aesthetic!). Really want to try and get through those at a pace, as I do seem to have different versions in my head for some rooms, which doesn't help with consistency! 

But things are definitely getting more firm with stats, locations, characters, etc with Nai collating all my notes for me. That should really make things a whole lot easier for Book Four (yes, I'm already thinking about Book Four planning, lol!), which is going to be a serious doozy of a book to write, so the more I have as easy reference, the better!


For Update+ this week, a fun little moment from one of the possible scenes in Chapter 9!


One of the nurses barks commands at me instantly. "What you normally do when someone has fainted!"

If fail the check

Ah yes…what you should always do.

...I have absolutely no idea.


Hope you all have the most amazing weekend! We'll be offline as usual, so I'll talk to you all again next week <3



Step 1: Panic. Step 2: Call the nurse.


I did like 6 runs of book 2 yesterday… and so far I can say they haven’t added the saving system yet


No save for book two yet


Aah, thank you so much for letting me know! I'm wondering now if they're waiting until they have everything ready to go for Book Three? Not sure how they process these things!


A pleasure Sera! I do a run every few days to keep an eye out for the saving future so as soon as I see it if nobody has communicated it before I will be happy to share it with the rest!


Just flop down right next to them, and then it's somebody else's problem✨️✨️


hi sera I hope this doesn't come across as rude or anything, but I am kind of anxious in the way you've been mentioning the save system for book two. I have played through all of my 25+ routes already, thinking they were saving automatically and that when book three comes out I could continue with any one of my routes and it would continue from where I left off in book two. so then, with no save system as of yet, does this mean I will have to go through and replay all of my routes, trying to remember the choices I picked for each, and then save them so I can continue for book three? I know it may seem silly but I've put a lot of effort into my different routes and I'm stressed about having to redo them, if that's the case. would you be able to clear this up for me, please?


Hosted Games puts up the save option when the next book is ~80% done, from what I understand. So, there is a save for book 1 but that’s what the submission process includes, getting the space to save book 2. So! Unfortunately those haven’t saved. I’m looking forward to playing all my routes again Hope that helps! 💕


Check for a pulse and check for breathing and activate the emergency response system! The nurse is cracking me up here … they may need more training So close to the end! I’m curious about the branching (and guessing it may have to do with which type of blood drive you pick?)


Ooooh so much cool stuff coming up! :D I can’t wait!


I think someone told me it was good to give something with strong smell to a fainted person? To make them react ig 🤔 idk if it really does helps tho


My detective with the least people skills can actually handle this (second highest skill is science). One of them would slap the patient to wake them up (or poke them with a stick because she's squeamish, lol) and the other two may or may not guess right. This should be a hilarious outcome for a few of them...


Unfortunately, as Mar says, Hosted Games (the company who publishes Wayhaven) doesn't put save systems in until the sequel is a good chunk done. I have no control over this, and it's their rule. So you will have to replay those in order to save them when the system is added in. It's not silly to be stressed by that, it's a lot of time you've put into it! I hope you can have fun replaying the routes though once they finally put that save system into the game!


They are a nurse in the loosest sense, lol! Someone who probably did first aid training about twenty years ago, has forgotten most of it, but was one the rare few who actually volunteered for the drive! :D It definitely has to do with which type you pick, but also what you decide to do at the drive you chose :D


It's feels like there's so much awesome stuff going on right now! I think having that end in sight has me even more hyped than usual, hehe :D


There are smelling salts and things aren't there? Have no idea if they help. I did research fainting for this scene, just to make sure, and there was a lot of conflicting advice on it as always, hehe! :D


I can imagine poor N would be horrified! M would probably laugh, lol. F (her LI) would be like, "wtf, babe!" or laugh.... Adam already hates her so I can imagine how that would go!

Jessica O.

MC: normally I’m the one fainting so I have no clue