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So these are the kinds of notes about stats Nai has to cope with and type up for me as I go through Wayhaven!

(Couple blanked out as they are super spoilery ;) )

I'm so not good digitally with keeping records of things or notes, so I scribble out new stats and adjustments to current stats to be added to the database/list as I go. For some reason, my head just works so much better with pen and paper for these things! Are any of you guys the same? It's not just me, right? Lol! :D



Certain things I just can't do digitally no matter how hard I try. Reversely some things I can only do digitally. I've completely stopped writing full things by hand. But notes, planning, even sketch ideas, it's like the ideas don't like electricity! 😅


Same. When i write it has to be pen and paper then i use the dictation function on word to type it for me. Then all edits are in word.


Same! My brain fires too fast that I really struggle writing true scenes on anything but a keyboard, so I feel you on that! :D


Do you think the dictation function works well? Some others have suggested dictation software to me, but I always worry about how fast I blabber, hehe! :D