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Glow bugs danced among the flower-laden trellis, making it seem as though the stars in the night sky above had come alive around them.

The weather had held out for the event, the night balmy and laced with the sweet scent of jasmine. The chairs laid out on the lawn around the main dais were already filled with familiar eager faces. But the privacy and intimacy of the scene was kept intact by the ring of trees that sprout up around them—a feat kindly provided by one of the guests.

Rebecca could feel the shake to Rook’s hands as they held hers tightly. “Are you nervous?” Even though she whispered it, she knew most of the guests seated in a semi-circle around the trellis-backed dais would be able to hear them. One of the disadvantages of having so many supernaturals as friends.

“Nervous?” His brows knotted together as he shook his head. “Why would I be nervous?”

Her gaze dropped to their twined fingers. “You’re shaking.”

A smile brightened his features, his eyes shining with the strength of the happiness radiating from the expression. “I’m shaking because I’m excited. At one point, I wasn’t sure you’d even date me, let alone marry me.”

She rolled her eyes playfully. “I don’t believe that. You know you had me the moment we met.”

“Is that why you continually chastised me?” he teased, the smile morphing into a smirk.

“I chastised you because you weren’t taking your job seriously.” She shifts on the spot, the deep ivory dress she wore, hemmed with teal lace, pooling around her feet as she did. “That was different than us dating.”

Rook opened his mouth to respond, but a figure stepped up onto the dais beside them, interrupting their conversation.

“Well, I think I can safely say that this day is a surprise to us all,” the tall, thin man announced to the crowd. A chorus of laughter took up, and Rook raised his brows as though to make a point to his fiancée.

She ignored it and looked to the man about to bond her and Rook for life.

The man lifted his hands to spread them out and indicate at the couple standing opposite each other, his long sleeves glimmering gold in the twinkling light, the satin fabric from his headdress like a flow of silken silver over his shoulders.

He then began to speak the words of the bonding, as he did, he lightly touched his fingers to their joined hands. A coil of vines and leaves grew, twirling about the couples’ arms.

Neither noticed as they gazed at each other.

The words spoken had an aura to them, a physical presence which wrapped around them, but again it’s something outside of the moment they were sharing silently as their hands grasped tighter to each other.

Their smiles spoke louder then the words floating around them.

As the ceremony came to a close, a round of applause is the only thing to snap the two out of their own world. They turned to the others, who bounced out of their seats with whoops and hollers, a couple of them shooting stars or magically created fireworks into the air above them.

“I think they’re happier about this than we are,” Rebecca noted with a wince as she flinched away from an illusion of blooming flowers beside her.

“Are you sure?” Rook asked, curling her hand into the crook of his arm.

She met his eyes. She had been able to read everything about him the moment she’d met him through those eyes. They held nothing back.

And they told her that he loved her with every part of his being. That he would never leave, that he would be with her—always—as a partner through whatever life would bring.

“No,” she replied, stepping into him to kiss his cheek. “I don’t think I could ever be happier than this moment.”

He tugged her close, sliding her around so as he could dip her in his arms. “I’ll take that as a challenge to make sure you’re even happier every single day that we’re together.”

Her laugh was caught by his lips as he kissed her deeply, promising the start of a life Rebecca never dared to dream she’d ever have.

Yet in all the happy lightness of the scene, no one noticed the shadow lurking at the edge of the projected forest. A shadow who watched the couple with foul intent.

The hidden figure turned from the scene, disappearing into the night with no more presence than a forgotten memory.


Thank you SO much again to my $50 Patron who requested this scene and let me share this because I loved writing it!

This scenario was of Rebecca and Rook's 'supernatural' ceremony, where they got to invite all their supernatural friends and those in the know. They also had another ceremony for family and friends who weren't supernatural or in the know, hehe :D



Myuka Noone

Joining your patreon was the best decision I ever made considering how obsessed I am with your series.

Myuka Noone

I feel so bad for Rebecca, because I unconsciously made my detective so much like his father in every aspect, but unforgiving to her. It must pain her so