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[GIF Description: Drew Barrymore making hearteyes as she watches something, presumably N and the MC :D]

I think F is an even bigger shipper than I am, hehe! :D



keep up the great work! ^^


F is so damn funny 🤣


I love how hard F roots for the N romance! Plus all their “Elliot Reid, Moment Killer!” moments (N growls out of frustration 😏)


Cute. I'm glad F is cheering N and MC on--and cheering A and MC on--but geez, can F throw some support my M-mancer's way? Out of the four, she needs it the most and she gets absolutely nothing except F making fun of them and N making vaguely annoying comments at confused M! 😔


What a coincidence. That’s the face I’m making at F anytime they do anything 😍💕💕


F is a little more cautious when it comes to cheering on M and the MC. Just because M hasn't shown this much interest in someone before, and F doesn't want to scare them away from that! It's shipping in a different kind of way, hehe! :D


Me too, me too...hehehe! There's definitely some F moments in Book Three that just has me swooning all over the place! :D


Yes, it validates what is happening so it feels more real


Stealth shipping... that should be a new term. ;-) Unhelpful to M-mancers, but we all knew our M-mancers were on their own from the beginning, with no support system, encouragement, or friends to confide in, so it's not a surprise!

Jessica O.

I’m glad F is the ultimate shipper in this story lmao