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Busy week this week, but it's nice when you have a busy week and get a ton done!

Monday I started on Chapter 14! The opening section isn't too long before we get to the real purpose of the chapter, which is obviously getting to spend some proper time with the love interest! :D

Breaking with my usual order, I'm actually starting with Mason/Morgan's scene this time. There's quite a bit of revelations in this one that I want to make sure to get right (also other ones depending on past choices the MC made so not knowing or knowing certain stuff), as well as a cameo from something that I've been really wanting to write in for some time. I'll be getting onto starting M's today, so I'm eager for that, hehe! 

It was also social media days this week, and I had a blast with that! Had some really fun asks on Tumblr, and then some awesome ones as well for the Character Q&A on Patreon. The Unseen Scene on Patreon was also...interesting to write and finishes up a series that people have been really enjoying!

Nai's also been working on a project which will be SUPER helpful. With there being so many variables in Wayhaven now, the book I was using just isn't working now. So she's working on a database where I should just be able to type in a keyword or book, etc, and it'll pop up exactly what I need! That'll help save me a ton of time!!

Next week though it's just a full on writing week with maybe an afternoon/evening or two of editing for SpunkyCat. So close to finishing up Chapter 8 on that, then it's smoother sailing for her edits after that!

Things really feel like there steaming along lately! I don't know what it is, but things are just flowing so well, and the boost that gives to motivation is huge! :D


For Update+ this week, a fun little moment between F and the MC...


Farah/Felix rolls onto her/his side, resting her/his head on her/his bent arm. "Who says you should be better?"

"Me," I reply before shrugging. "Probably Mason/Morgan. Definitely Adam/Ava—"


This is from a choice set, so you may not get this, but the other options also have some fun responses in there, hehe! 

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I'll talk to you all next week! <3



Hopefully soon the Beast that is Chapter 8 can be conquered!! Also who cares what M and A think 😤 If F and N think we are great then that’s what truly matters

Michael Reddy

By the time book 7 rolls around you’re gonna have a whole staff working for you lol (can’t wait)