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For all of Unit Bravo: Did you know that A has loved the detective since first meeting them?


Nate/Nat and Farah/Felix glance to each other before Farah/Felix shrugs with a nod. 

"It was kind of obvious," they comment before flopping back against their chair with a sigh. "Except to Adam/Ava and [Name], apparently."

Mason/Morgan frowns, leaning forward of their place in the shadowed corner. "Wait, seriously? From all the way back then?"

Nate/Nat smiles. "And it would seem not to our Specialist Agent either."

Mason/Morgan snorts a sharp breath and retreats back into the gloom.


(Just a note: I think M would have easily been able to pick up on it had they been focused or, more importantly, cared, lol! In that scene, M was mostly very tense and hostile to all the new places and people still.)



Poor A, thinking their all stoic and mysterious, but N and F are reading them like a book.