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[GIF Description: Man holding up hands and shaking head saying, 'Wait, wait, what?!']

Though...I don't think that's the most shocking part of what else is said in that sentence... :D


Skippy Hugo

Detective who isn't close with Rebecca: What crack are you smoking?


!! !! Oh my on-the-fence, my anti, and my very close to Rebecca detectives are all going to be so shocked! confused! curious!


I hope I will be able to choose a snarky comment for my sarcastic detective who really dislikes her mother.

Bz E

Man, I love foreshadowing!


Not a drag but I didn't know Rebecca had friends 👀


My detective who's super close and overprotective of Rebecca: *squints* who the f*ck are you? And who gave you permission to use her first name? Not me that's for sure.


Whoever this is, at least two of my MCs will have absolutely no respect at all for their judgment. And one of them just may vomit all over this person's shoes. She saw enough of this kind of crap from the mayor! The one detective I have who is really close to R will just laugh. Probably thinking it's a joke, lol--she loves the woman, but knows R is an ice queen. "What? You're serious??"


Keep away from my mom you creeps >:0

Twilight Katana

My MC would instantly look over to Adam and be like, "Permission to punch them in the face?"

Heather R Williams

My Mc is gonna be all like is this was what was so important you missed my childhood but I just love the drama...