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I lean around [redacted]'s thin frame to watch as the man almost slithers off of the dark seat. The webs seem to respond to his movement by shivering, the motions growing more frantic with each step he takes towards me.

He's surprisingly muscular for someone who moves with such agile, skittish steps. A deep black suit hugs his solid frame, glints of silver metal embellished at the sleeves and collar.

(If MC very tall)

As he draws to a stop in front of me, I tip my head down to meet his gaze, his amber-brown skin glowing with warmth even in this dimness. For someone much shorter than myself, he holds a surprising presence with his shadow stretching over me and seeming to meld into my own.

His solid black eyes blink slowly at me. "You smell incredibly unique: human but…something more."

There's no menace to the statement, more something akin to strange curiosity. 

He continues to blink at me, as though trying to take me all in, pinching at the ends of his styled back, dark brown hair.


Obviously there are slight variations depending on height, but I'm hoping this gives a good impression of how I see him in my head! 



Is no one going to mention that the person said the MC smells human and something else? Is one of the secrets Rebecca keeping that the MC is at least a smidgen of some else?


Oh gods, two of my MCs may pee themselves if he's like a freaking spider. One of them (my main combat MC) fears nothing--except insects (and losing Mason, lol).