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So with the chapters now getting so intense with branching and variation, I've realised I need more than just a bullet list for checking off scenes.

I've started actually drawing out the flow chart of the scene and checking the actual boxes.

I've only very recently started doing this, but I think it might work! I'm definitely better seeing it laid out like this visually than just in a list. Plus it's super satisfying checking those boxes instead of crossing out lines, hehe! :D

I really try to keep the way I write and plan organic. Getting to set can do more harm than good for me if I always try to just stick to the way I've always done things!


Bz E

This looks unbelievably helpful. Also, satisfying!


Well damn those are a lot of boxes! I really appreciate all your hard work! I'm glad you found a better and fun way to keep yourself organized! 😌