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So, I totally gave into temptation and did writing this week, hehe! :D

Ohhh, it was such fun writing Tina, Verda, and the MC for this part! It flowed sooo easy! Though there is a little bit before it really starts with the LI that also had me chuckling to write those parts...

And I must have been seriously enjoying myself because I was whizzing through it!! Though I suppose it was easier, as I wasn't trying to write for 5 different scenes within one (like I was writing for the Verda and Tina dinners to include the individual love interests), so that helped it move on a pace.

I do have some love interest scenes to do after this part, but I think, even with those...I might actually have Chapter 11 finished next week!!!! Aaahhhhh! Oh man, I love SO much about the different versions of this chapter, but I will be happy to bring it to a close, lol.

It's social media days next week too, but still, I'm really on a roll, so I think it'll be possible!

Speaking of, we definitely had a runaway winner for the Patreon Spring Scenario Specials!

I have some major ideas for these, so I'm eager to get those out onto paper, hehe! :D Especially for poor N...

I did also realise this week that I wanted a new hidden personality/emotion stat for the MC to go in, so I went back through what I've done on Book Three and added that in to choices where needed. It won't track from Book One or Two, but it wasn't really something that needed tracking then. It's definitely only something that will be more relevant from Book Three onwards and will hopefully help even more to add to individual plays as well as pack more of an emotional punch with characters!

Next week is going to be a busy but majorly successful one! I can already feel it, hehe!


For Update+ this week, a small moment of Verda giving Tina some advice after...a bit of a painfully awkward moment...


She squashes her reddened cheeks together between her hands. "Well, that's the story of my life right there."

"Has it occurred to you that maybe your one and only won't be found in the drunken depths of a bar?" Verda suggests with a smile.


Hope you all have the most fantastic weekend! We'll be offline as usual, so I'll talk to you all next week! <3


Montana Jane

Ahh I'm so excited to read the thunderstorm scene and the hidden stat is really intriguing. Will we be able to find out what it is? Poor Tina... She deserves so much. ❤


I might put it as a non-hidden stat in the stats screen. I'm not sure yet...Try to make sure people can play as they want rather than being too worried about hitting certain things in the stats!

Bz E

Absolutely loving the enthusiasm! Glad to hear you're on a roll! Also, super hype for the spring scenes!


Ooooooh!! I’m excited for the Spring Stories!! And love Tina and Verda so much! I can’t wait to hang out with them!


A new hidden personality/emotion??? 👀👀👀 I'm excited!! Get some good rest Sera!!

Jessica O.

Oh boy hidden stats this should be fun lol. Also uhhh what do you mean by poor N…


Ouch - some tough love by Verda (also, my detective in that scene 😳) Super excited for the spring special - prayer circle for N Ah! Can’t wait for the hidden stat!


Aaaaahhhhh, I’m so excited for going out with Tina an Verda! I love them both a lot and always look forward to the scenes with both of them; I adore the friendship dynamics the MC can have with them as a trio. And I’m really intrigued by this new hidden stat; I can’t wait to see what it is! Glad this week was a good one for you, and I’m totally ready for those spring scenarios! Please take care and have a wonderful weekend! &lt;3

Carolyn Williams

Now I want Tina to unexpectedly meet the love of her life at a dive bar - supernatural bartender finds her ridiculous but cute?


I hope you and your loved ones are doing great! Love the fact that you are on a roll and so excited about it! Hehe I'm so excited for book three and all the possibilities with the new hidden stats and the different -personalized- reactions of the characters towards the MC and- aaaaah!!!! I can't waaaait!!! Hope you all have a nice day! °•☆


It's nice when characters are easy to write together—you know a scene is going well when that happens—and that's always the way with Tina, Verda, and the MC! :D


Having the characters react more to how the reader is playing the character is definitely something I've really been working on in Book Three!


Wait! Thunderstorms and... N? BOY! I get it now! angst👏🏻angst👏🏻angst👏🏻


Have you read the early N special with the storm + piano on this Patreon? It is one of my favorite stories I’ve ever read!


Oh, I don't think I have. Was it a long time ago?


https://www.patreon.com/posts/30435279 It’s incredible!


Thank you so much! I'll definitely check it out.

Dylan Heffner