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It would have been another straight-forward week this week if not for some 'fun' with our internet!

We had social media days on Tuesday and Wednesday, which was getting a real task with the internet deciding not to bother working! It looks like Thursday's asks on Tumblr didn't post, so I've rescheduled them for Monday. Hoping that works as the internet is still a bit hit-and-miss at the moment. And hopefully we can post the Instagram posts next week as normal.

But after fighting with that, I got right back into the LI scenes before the dinner scenes. Then into Tina's. Which went soooo much smoother, hehe!

Ohhhh......ohhhhhhhhhh.... I forgot about the little hinty-hint I've given to a certain character in this scene at the beginning. They play a big part in Tina's branch, and I apparently couldn't wait to get them involved already, hehe!

So yeah, I was in a typing frenzy when that popped up! :D

I'm actually hoping Tina's scene is going to be a lot smoother than I was expecting. I'm even tempted to write all of the LI routes as I go for each separate chunk within the scene. Not sure on that yet, though. Might be a bit too much for my head to deal with, lol!

I'll keep going as I'm going and decide that tomorrow when I hit the real deep scene stuff and the more major choices.

Next week will continue on with Tina's scene!

The first of the Valentine's Patreon Specials went up this week, so here's the schedule for those:

'The Perfect Date…well, almost.' - Nate/Nat Special (3rd February)

The MC and Nate/Nat's wonderful weekend is interrupted by a last minute surveillance mission...but Nate/Nat is determined to make the most of it! A romantic camping break sounds just like it's in order...


'Not The Biggest Fan Of Quaint, Babe…' - Felix/Farah Special (10th February)

After learning a certain target is holed up in a storybook B&B, Felix/Farah and the MC have to pose as a couple of newlyweds to get more information on him. But keeping up the charade of the undercover seems difficult for the couple who finally get some time alone...


'This Town and Their Warehouses...' - Mason/Morgan Special (17th February)

The target seems to be interested in purchasing property, and suddenly so are the faux- married couple of Mason/Morgan and the MC, who have to find more information from the realtor's office before the suspect, well, suspects...


'Sabotage Was Your Idea…' - Adam/Ava Special (24th February)

With the target finishing up business in Wayhaven, Adam/Ava and the MC have to devise a way to stop that happening. And the easiest way to do that is by moving into the house next door. What could go wrong when Adam/Ava has to go undercover with the MC as the couple who is doing just that...


For Update+ this week, something that has A particularly tense...


Adam/Ava's arms drop back to his/her sides, where he/she clenches and flexes his/her hands. "You were right."

"I was?" I mumble.

"This is certainly not in the least amusing," he/she confirms with the edge of a growl.


Considering what I'd been working on, you can probably guess what it was the MC just revealed...

Hope you all have the most fantastic weekend! We'll be offline as usual, so I'll talk to you all soon! <3 (Sorry for late update and the lack of responses to comments on posts this week! It's been a pain trying to get online!)



YES!! Fake married M and MC? Fake married (and living together) A and MC?? I love how you divided these up, saving the more "forced" scenarios for the two pains in the butt. Can't wait to see how M growls about being forced to pretend to be married and how A's head almost explodes at being stuck in a house with the MC. Should be fun! Question: What part of the romance are these set in? Hard to tell with N, because it seems fitting for the "present" (i.e., book 3).

Jessica O.

Fake marriage trope I am here for this. This gonna be a good month hehehe.

Thomas Fieldburn

Fake marriage and cohabitation...yeah that will go really well


I would say they're set at the current romantic level, so yeah, Book Three. Don't want to spoil anything by going too deep romance for some of them, because these scenarios would definitely be different then! N definitely wouldn't have given up their time together deeper into the romance, for example :D


Thank youuu Sera &lt;3&lt;3


Thanks for answering! Now I know not to get my hopes up for A's and M's (and to expect them to be mean to the MC, lol). That's cool about N--it's nice to know he gets even more loving and attentive. I figured as much with him and F! I gotta say, though, for A and M mancers, it'd be encouraging to see more stuff from deeper romance from them, since the other two are already in relationships (if the MC wants to be), while A and M have a very long wait for that. Of course, I'm a spoiler whore, so others may not agree! Hope you have a great weekend!

Montana Jane

Ahhhh I'm so excited!! I can't wait to read the Valentines one-shots and the book when it comes out ! Thank you for your hard work as always!

Kelsey Erickson

How much shit is A gonna break in that valentines scenario 😂


Happy birthday to me 😍


Me waiting for A to have several intense internal monologs,, break 1 house hold item, and end it with kiss the detective and say it was for show. 😂


I’m so excited! Aah what a great time to be alive 😌

Dylan Heffner

Im so in love with your work! Nat and Farah though are my number one choices for sure.


I'm always late with these lol. But I'm very thankful to have found your content. Can't wait to read your next book. Cheer till next time.