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The week started...interestingly, when Teddy (the cat) decided to sit on my keyboard while I was finishing some touch up edits on chapter 8. I quickly closed the laptop lid, but I forget my poor laptop isn't doing so great, so it doesn't hibernate even with the lid closed. So when I opened it back up, chapter 8 was a mess.

I honestly just about had a heart attack thinking I'd lost it all, but I've managed to recover it! I'm having to send it over to SpunkyCat in chunks for editing still at the moment as I work on it, but it should be okay!

Still, we finally caught up on social media days this week! So that will be back to normal now :D 

But even with those couple of days for that, I had a definite goal in mind for this week for Chapter 11, and I'm going to hit it!! I wanted to make sure to get the opening scenes out of the way before the big branching off for this chapter.

It was also nice to bring Tina or Verda back into the opposite branches for a bit. Although they have separate stories, I don't want them to disappear just because you're on the other one's branch! :D

 It was a bit of an emotionally heavy opening, doubly so if you're on Doug's branch as his moment can be a bit of a punch to the gut depending on how your MC feels about that! But once I get to the dinner scene sections, it's gonna be great fun! And I'm going to be getting started with Tina's next week!

How the MC mentions this dinner to the LI is also gonna be a blast to write, and I'm very excited for that! :D

Hoping next week will start with less excitement, and less cats sitting on keyboards, hehe! :D

Also, the poll for the Valentine's scenario specials on Patreon ends next week, so make sure to cast your vote if you haven't already! Looks like it'll be a clear winner for the theme, but you never know...!


For this week's Update+, a small moment when a sarcastic MC just can't help getting in their two cents on a Trapper :D


"I'm not paid to be original," he retorts, but the strength has gone from his words as they stutter from his lips.

I cock my head. "Well that's damn lucky, 'cause I doubt you'd be making much at all if that were the case."


There's a whole bunch of choices in this section on how to go about this scene, and I'm SO pleased with them all. It's fun personality check scene, which I hope people will definitely get some fun with, hehe! :D

Hope you all have the most wonderful weekend! We'll be offline as usual, so I'll talk to you all soon! <3



Supper excited for the upcoming book! Like beyond excited I think about it at least once every hour. You've made so much progress in such a short amount of time! Keep it up and stay warm!!!

Thomas Fieldburn

Hmmm asking A to be social with tina. That sounds like fun Putting tina and f in the same room...that's a recipe for a beautiful headache


I can just imagine how that dinner conversation is going to go with M. (ーー;)


Oh man, it’s very heart-stopping when pets and children decide they want to help you on your projects. I’m very glad to hear Chapter 8 is safe though! Also congrats on always managing to keep up with your goals! You’re really an inspiration; always seeing your dedication and love for Wayhaven has helped me feel more motivated to start writing again. &lt;3 ‘It was a bit of an emotionally heavy opening, doubly so if you're on Doug's branch as his moment can be a bit of a punch to the gut depending on how your MC feels about that!’ – Noooo! What did you do to my son?! I am so excited to see how telling M about the fun night out with Tina and Verda is going to go. XD Please take care, and I hope you have a lovely weekend! &lt;3


Honestly, i cannot wait for the moment im trying to convince morgan to go to this dinner 😄 its going to be a ton of fun!! Have yourself a great weekend, that goes for everybody 🙂


Something about these updates makes me grin every time I read them 🥺 Honestly I think it's just your endless (extremely contagious) enthusiasm and I love it so much lol


I can just imagine my detective trying to invite A to that dinner. You have to be subtle as to not spook the poor vampire but not too subtle because the emotionally challenged log of an agent wouldn't recognise a genuine offer to spend time together if it hit them. *sigh*


Btw I am once again floored by how you manage to stay so organised in your work process, Sera! You're such a dedicated person; it's truly admirable. I hope your cat will understand and try and keep their butt off your keyboard🙏🏻


Tina and F would get along like a house on fire! But like literally!

Bz E

Glad to hear you managed to recover the chapter! I can't imagine how stressful that must have been at first.


Literally every update you post makes me more hyped up for the the 3rd book. Makes me smile everytime


I am soooo freaking excited for book three I can not contain myself!!! Aaaah! I am looking forward to the dinner scenes!!!♡


Need to get a decoy laptop for Teddy to sit on! Then he can write whatever he wants without messing you up! Also.... What are you going to do to my son Dougie, Mishka??? He already got hurt last book!


Hey, M want to go to dinner with me and Tina/Verda? M just stares blankly at them.