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The schedule got a bit off this week, as Nai's little one was quite ill (he's fine now, pulling through it like a champ!), so I've pushed back the social media days to next week so as she could be with him. Apologies for the lack of Instagram and asks. Things will be back to normal next week though!

But that did mean I had a super full week myself with that extra time to blast through all the editing I wanted to do! As well as finish off the extra Chapter 10 scenes (of which I also added some more, lol! I need to stop working on Chapter 10 just so as I stop thinking of things to add to it!) The new scenes totalled about 12,000 words extra, so quite a bit of stuff.

I did realise mid-week that I forgot to save some of the work I'd done the day before, which was a bit gutting. Luckily, it wasn't too much, but it was still stuff I was really happy with. But I re-did it and am pushing forward—making sure I'm much more careful about saving properly before closing! :D

Next week, I will be sending Chapter 8 over to SpunkyCat for editing, finishing the social media days, and getting a start on Chapter 11!

Chapter 11 is one I've been eager for for aggges! :D Chapter 11 is actually split into 3 completely separate versions (I know, you're all shocked at that by now, hehe! ;D). I've labelled them Chapter 11V, Chapter 11T, and Chapter11B, so you can probably take a good guess at who pops up in the first two separate versions!

They also vary because this scene is focused more on the LI and the MC, which means different scenes in those already separate versions for all of those.

It's a lot, but I have a really good plan, so I'm hoping it'll speed through really smoothly!

But it's gonna be awesome because it means you could do a replay still romancing F but get fresh content with these three different chapters! This was really important to me for Book Three. 

So yeah, an exciting week next week! 


For Update+ this week, some interesting observations from F...


I nod slowly. "Well, I am part of the team, aren't I?"

"It's not just that you're part of the team, babe. It's that you might be in the running for taking charge of it," Farah/Felix suggests.


Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! We'll be offline as usual, so I'll talk to you all soon ! <3



11B is 11Bobby change my mind ... and now I'm thinking about dinner with LI and Bobby and it's just weird enough I would be kinda interested to see that. Just imagine the amount of passive-aggressive comments *sigh* Ah the drama😊

Michael Reddy

Wow .. I love the line from Farah 🤗 and multiple versions !

Skippy Hugo

On one hand, would be cool to take over UB, on other hand, ADM just needs to chill a bit. Maybe have a few pina coladas and getting caught in the rain.


V, T, and B huh? 👀 I definitely have an idea who is going to be showing up and I am HYPED. Also MC taking charge of the team, huh? Idk how I feel about that. Even if A can be a butt I don't want to take their place

Bz E

Back on the hype train! Your excitement gives me excitement!


I’m sorry to hear that Nai’s little one wasn’t feeling well, but I’m glad he’s starting to feel better (hoping he makes a full recovery soon)! (And no apologies needed. Family over everything else, and social media isn’t going anywhere.). It sounds like you really crammed Chapter 10 full of amazing content, and I am so looking forward to when we can finally play it. And oh my goodness, having an idea of what Chapter 11 will be has me absolutely excited – and not just because we’ll be getting to spend quality time with our LI. &lt;3 I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing weekend!


Wow, this week has gone by so fast, this update pops up on my phone and im like ' oh yeah its friday' 😄 awesome that your close to starting another chapter 🥳 another step closer to getting my hands on it 😍 look forward to the next update 🙂 have a great weekend 👍


Tina, Verda, and... Bobby? 👀 Now that would be one hell of a dinner. Also if F's little comment here is true, my A-mancer has some serious thinking to do lol


It's actually Chapter11Both :D So Tina and Verda. Bobby has their moment...and it's really quite the moment...later in Book Three!


One of my MCs is also not wanting to step forward. Happy being led, not so much being in charge, especially of people's lives!


Tina, Verda, and Both (so the option if you told neither of them the truth). I think the dinners are going to be...interesting, especially with the LI tagging along, hehe! :D


Seraaaa not fun you actually know the answer😭


Wishing all the best for Nai’s little one! Thought B was gif Bobby but saw your other comment so 11 is the dinner scene 👀?? Oh, I cannot wait!! Lol, my main detective is BFF with Adam because he’s BFF with Nate so it’ll be interesting to see how she’ll feel with leading. Certainly has had her opinions over the books. Will be interested to see how my two A detectives feel … So excited!


It'll also be interesting to see how A feels with the varying friendship status with the MC (or romance!), as that will definitely make a difference to their views on things!


Out of my MCs there is only one who is both happy to take control and take it from A specifically and he is the one you should NOT let be in charge. He is the only one of my MCs that not Falk hated but got him to turn rouge so…. Not his finest moment. Don’t know what Nate sees in him


Oh geez I am really hoping Tina doesn't scare Nate off 🥴 much as I love her

Armand Berry

Can I say that you’re bloody amazing! We love you and your writing!

Taylor S.

The dinner party scenes?? OMG I’m so excited!! That’s gonna be A LOT of content with the various versions. Thank you Mishka, take care of yourself 💕