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Seriously, Autumn and Winter are totally my time of the year! :D I've got so much done recently and seeing my checklist with so many ticks is even more motivating!

Social media days were great fun! But the first version of Chapter Ten was going sooooo well, that it did cut into the social media days a little. But my goal for this week was to finish the first version of Chapter Ten....and I'm going to do it by the end of today!!!

It's actually a more action-based chapter, so things have been quicker to write. There's not too much dialogue after the initial 'who's gonna side with who?' moment, which helps ease things :D A few moments during these scenes just seriously got me going so much though. I actually turned to Nai at one point and was like, 'Aahhh!! I'm loving this!' lol!

So it was a pretty packed week, but a majorly productive one. Next week, I hope to try and finish the other version of Chapter Ten, or at least get it mostly done.

That would be pretty huge and also put me ahead of schedule! As is probably obvious, I want Book Three to be out next year, so anything that can push me ahead makes me very, very happy!

A few people have asked about The Curse of Creek Edge. I don't post too much about progress on that as it's a slow, 'when I have time' personal project, but it is coming along. I've made some big leaps recently, and it'll be nice to start the actual writing on the demo portion now that the art is almost finished. I haven't done the CGs yet, but they're much easier to add in after the writing is done. I'll start posting proper progress reports on that after the demo is released.

To finish off, I have the dates for the Patreon Agency Party Christmas specials:

9th December: "I'll Leave that as a Surprise…."—An old friend reveals a little more than they were supposed to about the charming Second-in-Command (Nate/Nat special)

16th December: ''It's Fun to Enjoy the Mystery"—Someone's flirtation with the Detective leads to Adam/Ava getting a dose of realisation and honesty (Adam/Ava special)

23rd December: 'Absolutely Besotted'—A familiar face gives a surprising statement about the odds on this relationship (Felix/Farah special)

30th December: "Jealousy Doesn't Suit You…" Just what the Detective might mean to Mason/Morgan comes from an unexpected source (Mason/Morgan special)

The Patreon Christmas specials were longer than I planned, hence the short summaries this time along with the titles...I got a bit carried away with them, hehe! :D But I got to introduce or bring back some characters that I love, so I couldn't help myself!


For Update+ this week, a moment when difficult decisions need to be made!


"You'd hand the boy over willingly?" the same one who spoke before asks, apparently the commander of this small unit.

I grit my teeth for a moment. "To save me and my team?" My gaze drops for a split second as I ease the slightest step closer, the toe of my shoe touching the [redacted]. "I would."


Hope you guys have an amazing weekend! We'll be offline as usual, so I'll comment, message, and send out rewards ASAP when I'm back on Monday! <3



oh I'm *excited* for the Christmas specials. The previews all sound so intriguing. 💚


Ahhh Adam's special comes out on my last day of exams! Such an awesome reward for finishing those &lt;3 And congratulations on being ahead of schedule!


I’m so excited for the Christmas special can’t choose which one I will enjoy more. ❤️😭

Tyrandial Agacia

Woohoo, the Felix/Farah special comes out on my birthday! What a lovely unintentional birthday present lol 😆

Outis Curiosa

I wanna hug you virtually, to thank you for Wayhaven Chronicles 😭❤️🥺🥰


Aw man book three is going to be freaking awesome!!!😁😁😁😁




Oh my god the hype is so real!! I can’t wait to read these scenarios and Book 3!!

Taylor S.

Those summaries reaffirm my belief that the agency party was the correct choice! I’m so excited! The way you’re pushing through these chapters is really admirable and I think we’re all so grateful for your hard work and keeping us so thoroughly informed. Thank you Mishka! ❤️