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It was some seriously awesomely intense writing this week! :D

Not just because the scene was quite intense, but I think it was the most nuanced bit of coding and dialogue I've done so far, lol! 

In this moment, it's really important that everything feels smooth. I want it to feel like each member of Unit Bravo's decisions are because of what's being discussed, their own thoughts on it, and the person suggesting things, not just because of the game mechanics calculating in the background.

For example, if M agrees (because they have enough friend points), then I want F's next dialogue to bounce off of what M said but their response will depend on if they have enough friend points, so they might disagree with M or not. But after that N also needs to make a choice, but they might refer to what M and F said (whether that was to agree or disagree), so I need to make sure that not only triggers correctly but reads like a seamless conversation!

It's also not just the friend points that come into it but the actual situation. Another example being that N is more likely to agree with the MC in this moment because they already agree with the MC's side of things (if the MC decides on that option, anyway :D), so N actually needs less friend points to 'pass' the check than they might in another scenario where they don't agree.

On the other hand, M needs A LOT of points (or to already be besties, lol) in order to agree, because it's not something they want to do.

So yeah...intense, but also incredibly satisfying! :D

But once I was definitely finished with that (it's a scene I’ve kept bouncing back to because it just hasn’t been just right so far) I went back to the next fun bit where I'm on this one version of Chapter Ten, and F is having a little chit chat about just how the MC feels about how things went down...so maybe your MC didn't win the argument, maybe they didn't want to start an argument and just went along with it, maybe they were actually in agreement...we all know how well F picks up on these things ;D

I'm loving these more intimate moments with UB that isn't necessarily romance. Romance is obviously always my favourite, and I will get it into every single moment I possibly can, lol! But this really is fun to start exploring this idea of just how the MC is fitting into Unit Bravo so far. Obviously, that can/will change over time too if your MC feels like it!

Wow, sorry, that was a bit of an essay! I was just seriously happy to see the story coming to life in a different way that involves the MC in their new role—the MC no longer outside of UB's decisions but proactively part of it!

Ok, enough hyper blabbering now, hehe! :D

Next week, I have a very strict goal for myself that I am determined to make, but I also have social media days, which I am super eager for! 

And we have a winner for the theme of the Patreon Christmas/Winter scenarios next month!

Christmas Party at The Agency!

This was probably the tightest poll we've ever had, hehe! :D I was watching it swing so closely between ice skating and the Agency party.

So I'll be planning those out over the weekend and writing them up on next week's social media days! Lots of chances for awkward situations and character cameos, I'm feeling...


For Update+ this week, I was gonna snippet a bit of Chapter 10...and then realised absolutely everything is way too spoilery, hehe! So instead, a small M moment that may just be interesting for one of those cameos I mentioned at the Xmas party:


I blink a few times at the honest—if brusque—reply before shaking it off and rubbing my hands over my face. "You probably should have been. I had a bit of a…tense encounter with some of Unit [Redacted]."

Mason/Morgan stiffens and pauses in his/her path towards me. "Was Alima with them?"

I shake my head. 

He/She blows out a breath, once more proceeding closer to me. 


I will just mention that this 'tense' situation may not happen at all. Unit [Redacted] may be very open to the MC based on choices you've made so far, so you'll get a different moment instead!

Hope you all have the most amazing weekend! We'll be offline as usual, so I'll talk to you all soon <3



I'm so excited for everything! Book 3! Scenarios! 💚

sophi oro

Yes!!! the party at the agency, I love so much the supernatural in a modern setting that Anything I can learn from it just, aaahhh, makes me so happy!! And all the care you put in each variation, it truly makes any wait worthwhile, since we literally have SO many routes to explore. It wouldn't be exciting to try all of those if we had each book less than a year apart or smth like that, after all we aren't getting just one book, but like So many variations of one book, that's actually like a million books! Anyway, thank you so so much :D

Michael Reddy

My brain hurts thinking about all that coding you’re doing lol

Taylor S.

Regarding the holiday scenarios, there’s something very poetic here about never giving up and it’s not how you start but how you finish!😂 Ice skating had us on the ropes in the beginning but we did it agency party crew!! So looking forward to these scenarios! The mention of a possible M ex has sent me SPIRALING. The excitement for book 3 continues to build 😍


Wow that’s so much! I cannot wait to read that part with all my different MCs to see all the little differences!!! And M…. *squints* Whomst the heck is Alima?


I know I'm in too deep when I'm even excited to fight with your characters, lol


It's gonna be some exciting times coming up (I can't wait to tell you about the new Patreon AU series in the new year!!)


Aah, thank you! It is a lot in one book, but I'm really hoping that all these variations and moments can help add that freshness with each playthrough, even if you play the same LI! :D


Looking forward to hearing what version of Chapter Ten people end up with...because of who sided with who! :D

Moss Valery

No ice skating? Nooo *dramatically cries self into a puddle*


!! Patreon AU series? 👀 Mishka, you're the mistress of dropping surprises and leaving us in suspense!


I was thrilled about the Agency party winning! Until I read about Alima, lol... Here I was hoping for an "M gets jealous" scene to make my MC feel good (if she noticed), but instead it looks like a scene where my MC gets one of M's ten million flings rubbed in her face. I should've known you'd turn it angsty no matter what! The coding for the discussion scene in 10 sounds like a nightmare. You really are putting your all into giving us a game with a ton of branching and I hope you know how much we appreciate it!

Emily Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 04:12:53 Ya agency party..
2021-11-29 19:08:57 Ya agency party..

Ya agency party..

littlegamingraven -

Ugly Christmas sweaters had so much potential though....