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So I thought as BIG thank you to all your amazing support this year that I'd give you an extra little glimpse into Book Three that's more spoilery than usual ;D

...Plus I am weak and have a mighty need to share and talk about this with people! :D

I'm only sharing the start of A's conversation about this, the other LI's will also have their own reactions and thoughts on this!

It really seemed time for LI's to reveal just how having the MC around affects them...


"Your blood…it is far stronger than any other we have experienced," Adam/Ava says.

"As I've been told," I mumble.

"So you must understand that, as vampires, we feel that keenly." He/She tries to straighten himself/herself out. "The scent of it, the idea of it…it is constant. Unrelenting." His/Her gaze shifts just for a second to my neck. "Endless."

Now it's my turn to halt walking. I stare at her/him with a slight tilt of my head. "Are you saying you're…." I'm unsure of the best word except the obvious one, so I let it spill out of me. "Tempted by it?"

He/She swallows hard, and I wonder if he/she's going to answer at all. 


Merry (Early-ish) Christmas! Hope you enjoyed it <3


Armand Berry

Oh man that’s freaking exciting! It makes sense that UB would be incredibly tempted, and it’d be interesting if anyone wanted to exploit that temptation of the blood to separate the MC from UB.


I notice in some of your writing A especially seemed more concerned about not only others wanting the detectives blood, but themselves. You always got a hint N was super effected but not the others. Thanks for the extra peek. 😁