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The room is dark. Not just because there is only one dim lamp on—the walls and the wooden furniture are all dark, and no décor or ornaments decorate the room. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, considering it's Mason/Morgan's room.

A large bed with a black headboard is set against the far wall.


Random Facts:

- M's room is INCREDIBLY sparse of any decoration. The only piece of furniture that is something more than just dark and functional is a mirror/drawer set that was gifted to M from N.

- All the walls are dark (a very deep grey) except for one wall, which has the exposed brick from the original warehouse.

- The 'empty space' is the space by the two windows, which are usually covered with heavy curtains, but M doesn't like to risk the sunlight so doesn't have anything in that area that they might need.

- M has the biggest sized bed of all of Unit Bravo. Not for what might seem like the obvious reasons ;D (M would never/very very rarely bring their partners 'home'...unless of course it was someone super special...). M sometimes has nightmares and thrashes about, so needs the room.

- This is the first personal space M has really settled into.

- Although M does partly have everything dark for The Aesthetic, it also helps with their overactive hypersenses, especially being out in the sun during the day this space can offer a real refuge for them to recover.


(Is this later time for posting Thursday posts better? Or the earlier time? Or does it not matter too much? :D)


Outis Curiosa

MC will don't mind being a furniture in there. A very enticing furniture. Sassy too.


Thank you for this. <3 While M’s room’s setup isn’t unexpected, the random facts give great insight as to why things are the way they are. I love how N’s gift is both thoughtful and practical. And, I did expect M to have the largest bed (though not because of their specific proclivities), but it hurts my heart knowing they have such intense nightmares; my MC will certainly be gentle with M in the moment she learns about them. Still, I also can’t help having soft feelings thinking about deeper in the relationship when traces of my MC’s presence find their way into M’s room. Things like the floral lilac mug she uses for tea, or the pretty pastel mint fleece blanket she snuggles up with on cold nights peeking out from beneath the duvet, or the latest novel she's been reading laying around. Nothing overwhelming for M’s senses though; she would never take over their safe and comfortable space like that. (Ugh, sorry for rambling!) (I personally think whatever time is easiest/best/most convenient for you is fine. <3)


Aah, I am so excited for this too! When M opens up and allows someone in, not just emotionally but physically as well! That they will enjoy another presence in their space, where as before it's been a need to be alone in those moments <3


As someone who hates bright light and prefers dark tones in the house, I totally appreciate M's room. My M-mancer will, too, because her apartment is dark, too. But the part about his nightmares... 😩 My M-mancer suffers from horrible nightmares, too (not just the Murphy kind), so whether you let it happen in canon or not, I'm totally head-canoning that the two of the don't have nightmares if they sleep together and are touching. Because... well, that's just how it should be. <3


Man...N's room is my dream/aesthetics room... M's room is my actual bedroom 🤣 Is this why N and M are my fav LIs ? Who knows 😅🤣


"M sometimes has nightmares and thrashes about, so needs the room." 🥺 Poor baby shnookum love! *cuddles M* That aside, love all of the logic for all of UB's rooms.

The Inecksplicable

Why you making us sad with random facts??? Also, no preference for the posting time. I am pleasantly surprised every Thursday because I have lost all concept of time ⏰


i feel the same way 😂 i see a patreon post and im like, "oh, its thursday!"


My poor M, thrashing around at night. Let me cuddle you and soothe your nerves. I love that N gave M a piece of furniture and that M kept it. The empty space is just crying out for a chair for my M detective. She is going sneak it in there one day and N will probably help her.


PLEASE tell me we’re gonna be able to soothe mason while he’s having a nightmare! that’s one of my favorite tropes


Really? You just gonna drop a “M sometimes has nightmares and thrashes about, so needs the room” so casually? Like that? You gonna do that to our horny vampire like it’s no big deal?? I came here to have a good time not feel sad, Sera! >:,c


I feel you M, sensitivity and nightmares are both absolute garbage. It feels very secure. I'd probably let M decorate my entire apartment.


Someone call the Gaines... the different furniture tones are an emergency situation


You know me by now, I'm all about love creating that strong connection, enough to offer comfort where there might not have been any before! So you're definitely on the right track... ;D


I probably went in a bit deep for some of things in their rooms (some stuff that hasn't been revealed yet, too...), but I've been working on these characters for so long, I can't help it, hehe! :D


Aah, angsty backstories are totally my jam...hehe! ;D I'm really glad the timing works well! Might go back to the normal time then!


It will certainly be a major moment for M if that happens (man, I'm bad at spoilers...lol!). Not only showing that vulnerability, but allowing to let themselves be comforted by another. It's not really something they have wanted or allowed so far!


It was a rather casual drop, wasn't it? Lol! I actually thought I'd already mentioned it, but then Nai was shocked too, so I was like...'whoops, there goes another spoiler!' 🤣


Ah, I knew we were a good match <3

sophi oro

I remember that in book 2, in the rooftop when the Detective tells M that they had a murphy nightmare he answers something like “get used to it” and I was like “geez sorry” haha, but now I get it, he said that no to be rude, or for lack of empathy, but because he suffers nightmares too, and thats probably what he tells himself, just “get used to it” :c

Taylor S.

M is my main route and the different furniture tones are absolutely giving me hives 😂


Lol your detective needs to sneak in there and do damage control or something