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A fun little variation example again, this time from a choice in Chapter 9, where someone may have lost their ice cream...


Choice: Scoop as much as possible from the ground and smush it back into the cone.

I almost plummet onto my knees with the speed I drop to prevent her oncoming tantrum. Looking at the sticky, vibrant mess spilling out across the cobblestones, I suck in a breath and begin scooping up as much of it as I can before wiping it from my hands back into the empty cone still gripped in her hand.

My stomach lurches as the goo coats my hands, making the task even harder as everything get more and more slippery. The chill is at least somewhat welcome against the heat of the summer day and crowds.

(If MC has impulsive personality)

She stares down at the mess, which is steadily dripping down the sides of the cone and over her fingers.

She looks back to me. "That's gross."

I shrug. "It's the best I can do for you."

"You could have bought me a new one," she suggests.

I open my mouth…and then close it again as I realise she's right.


Sometimes kids come up with so much more elegant solutions than we do in a panic, hehe! ;D



Totally with Cara(?) on this; that is gross. XD


*hands MC a “You Tried” ribbon*


I really hate sticky, gooey things on my hands, so I could really feel the MC's pain in this scene, hehe! :D