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So I didn't manage much editing this week, but that's because Chapter 9 is going SO well, and I just really wanted to go with it!

It's actually slightly different than I'd planned because of the adjustment to the ending of the one version I decided on last week. Now I've adapted it slightly again to add a fun little unexpected fail/success moments on choices that hopefully people will really enjoy!

Although I call it fail/success, as I've said so many times, it's not a fail or a bad choice. It just leads to something different, and in this case it will lead to a very different scene with someone that a lot of people really like, so definitely not bad at all in that way! :D

But I did have to write a scene which got me right in the feels. I don't like putting any of my characters in awkward/emotional situations, but poor Haley...

Luckily, you have the option of whether to help her out or not…depending on whether you decide it's worth risking the mission, as well as possibly risking some major consequences later on.

It's all up to you... ;D

I completely finished all the options and variations for if you choose to see Haley (seriously, I was on a roll!!), so I've moved onto the next one: Verda and his family.

The incident for this choice is less emotional and whole lot more fun. I seriously cannot wait to see how people try to deal with this moment, lol!  (It involves a girl and her fallen ice cream... :D)

Next week, I will definitely get back to flip-flopping between editing and writing though, as that was working out great, and I don't want to get behind on the editing side, especially as the edits are also coming through for Chapter 7!

Amazingly, I should be done with the first version of Chapter 9 next week!! I'm pretty determined to do that now that I realise it's a possibility, hehe! :D


For Update+ this week, a little hint at A's gradual progression to being more open with the MC they are head over heels for...

'A small flicker of amusement at my question catches Adam/Ava's expression. "I have no doubts in you, therefore I have no doubts in your plan, Detective."'


This is in comparison to the no romance/no friendship version of this:

'From the monotone sound of Adam/Ava's voice, it's apparent he/she thinks my plan will most definitely fail. '


Lol :D

If you're best friends with A, you'll also get a different version again of this moment.


I hope you all have the most fantastic weekend! We'll be offline as usual, so I'll talk to you all soon <3



How's that in all my playthroughs I managed to befriend every UB member, except for A? They either dislike my MC on principle or pine a whole forest worth of angst because the detective is making them feel feels. A, my MC just wants you to tell him he did a good job😭


Hope everything keeps going well!!

Bz E

You keep on being accidentally adorable, A! Also, congrats on getting so much done! Have a good weekend!


Oh yay, Haley! I love her to bits. The last time she and my MC saw each other, my MC was rushing out of the bakery trying not to break down and cry. Excited to see what you have planned with her. Please take care of yourself and have a great weekend! &lt;3

Syakirah Nasser

And this is why u’re one of my fav authors. Damnnn gurl! U really know how to pull those strings and make us die from anticipation 😭

Jessica O.

My anticipation grows with each passing day. By the time this game comes out I will explode


"...lead to a very different scene with someone that a lot of people really like" falk??? Is it my best boy falk???

Armand Berry

Your ability to create so many choices and variations is amazing! I don’t know how you do it! You’re also amazing at describing your own story and pulling in your fans with emotion! I don’t want to abandon Haley! My MC would definitely want to help her!


WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO POOR HALEY??? You can’t do anything bad to my girl! To Tina’s future girlfriend!!


I love writing Haley! And not just because I get to write about baked goods when she's in the scene too, hehe :D


Hehehe! Aah, thank you so much &lt;3 I'm trying so hard not to spoil things, but I just can't wait for you guys to see what's coming!!

seraphinitegames (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 04:13:30 Aah, that is so lovely of you to say!! Thank you so much!! &lt;3 I really have gone variation crazy in Book Three, but it's going to be so worth it!
2021-10-19 12:00:48 Aah, that is so lovely of you to say!! Thank you so much!! <3 I really have gone variation crazy in Book Three, but it's going to be so worth it!

Aah, that is so lovely of you to say!! Thank you so much!! <3 I really have gone variation crazy in Book Three, but it's going to be so worth it!


It got me right in the feels writing this moment...poor Haley. She didn't deserve that! Thankfully, or hopefully depending on your choice, the MC can step in, hehe! :D