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Another seriously enjoyable week this week!

I got seriously stuck into N's combat scene, which has been a blast! The first choice set in the scene is just a really fun moment, and I was smiling throughout the whole thing while writing it, hehe! :D

If I can't get it finished by the end of today, I definitely will be able to tomorrow. It's a much more complex scene than A's was, just because N has some pretty major moments that could happen in their research/combat scene depending on how you want your MC to handle what they're feeling.

I also want to make sure that even though the major moments happen in both the research and combat, that they are very different and suit what's happening in the scene. But I managed that easily as it was great going with the flow of the action happening! 

N certainly did surprise me in one moment though :D I had planned for them to react one way to something the MC does, but as I was writing it ended up being completely the opposite. And I always go with my instinct rather than force what's in the plan.

Makes for an interesting little hint at how N is feeling deeper down though...

One of the sensitivity readers got back to me this week too, and he's totally happy with the estimated date I gave him! So that's a relief. Still waiting on others, but I said there was no rush with Book Three still in the depths of writing at the moment!

So I should have N's scene finished tomorrow, which means I can jump right into M's next week!


For Update+ this week, a small moment detailing one of N's few weaknesses...


"Aah!" ${nate} cries, relief and excitement lighting ${n_his} features. "What did you do?! How did you make it work?"

I roll my lips together with a slight wince before shrugging and answering, "I just turned it on."

$!{n_his} entire being deflates. "Oh."


Hope you all have the most amazing weekend, we'll be offline as usual, so I'll talk to you soon! <3


Michael Reddy

I think my brain would explode with all the variations etc 👏🏻


👀🔥😍 N (and you!) killing us with anticipation! Have a great weekend 💚


n baby that is the sweetest thing I've ever read in my LIFE (also, as someone who helps old people with technology for a living, very accurate). glad it's been smooth this week!


Okay but imagine they're talking about a TV.


Thank you for the update, Sera! It's so cool to me how your own characters manage to surprise you sometimes. It shows how much care you've put into them.


N, you entire dork. I love you. Never change.


N's inability to use modern technology is, to me, one of their more endearing qualities.


The techie Detective N is dating: 😰


A sneak peak at how N feels deep down? living 👏for👏it 👏, I can't wait for my detective to dig into it with them asdfghjkl

Taylor S.

I love how your own characters can surprise you 🥰 That snippet is cracking me up, I have to do a Nate route with a technology focused detective RIGHT now 💀

Twilight Katana

XD I don't mean to laugh at Nate's struggle with modern technology, but... He just acts like a 60 year old granemother sometimes! 😂


I’ve heard of characters “taking control” of the script, but never actually experienced it personally.


Also, N is such a doll. I love it when my detective knows something they don’t. XD