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A complete and utter sense of true satisfaction floods through Nat as she oversees the agents moving the Maa-alused’s crates to their new homes.

A real difference was made here. And they all had a hand in it.

Well, mostly [Name] was the hand that moved all the pieces into place.

Her smile grows, her gaze shifting through the small crowd to where she spots the Detective. They’re standing at the largest cavern entrance, Falk beside them, the two relaxed and calm in each other’s presence.


If Sanja attracted to the MC

“You have found yourself quite the human,” a voice commends from beside Nat, the barest hint of envy in the words, but it’s definitely there.


If Sanja not attracted to the MC

“Your look gives away your thoughts on the human,” a voice states from beside Nat.


Nat shifts her gaze quite a way down to meet Sanja’s strikingly blue eyes.

“They are…quite astounding in so many ways,” Nat replies, turning back to find the person who makes her whole body light with happiness.

There’s a bristle of something that radiates from the teller, and Nat wishes he had Felix’s ability at deciphering what it might be. Especially when it sends an uneasy shiver coursing down her spine.

She shakes her head, a sad smile pulling at her lips before she looks up at Nat. “Remember how you feel in this moment.”


If in relationship with Nat

“How could I ever forget? The feeling only grows each day I’m with them,” Nat replies with a soft chuckle before the sound fades at the pinched expression tightening the lines around Sanja’s eyes.


If not in relationship with Nat

“How could I ever forget? The feeling only grows each day I’m around them,” Nat replies with a soft chuckle before the sound fades at the pinched expression tightening the lines around Sanja’s eyes.


“In all my time, I have never felt such stirrings of a bond like the one that will exist between you both.” The words should bring elation to Nat as the teller says them, but her somber voice doesn’t allow it. “It will be powerful.” She meets Nat’s eye again. “Eternal. The love of legend.”

Nat shifts on the spot, folding her hands across herself and rubbing at her arms. “I believe you.”

And she really does. She can sense it deep. The connection she is making with [Name]…in some ways it excites her more than anything in her life, but in others it terrifies her. But she ignores the fear.

At least, she could until this moment.

“Why is that a bad thing?” Nat asks.

“Oh no, it is not,” she says, waving a thin hand in the air. “But anything powerful will be sought by others. Others who will wish to break it.” Her eyes dull. “Break you.”

She reaches into the woolen folds of her skirt and reveals a photo. The photo of Nat and [Name] at the carnival.

Her heart beats a steadier rhythm at the sight of it.

She almost stumbles back as Sanja thrusts it into her grasp.

“Remember this, vampire. Remember them.” Worry casts a shadow across her ageing features. “They will make you strong.”

She then offers a final, heavy nod and glides away.

Nat watches her go before her gaze drops to the photo. There is nothing but happiness within the image. She grasps it tightly, her shaking hand making the photo wobble, before she carefully places it into her jacket pocket.

Glancing back up, she catches [Name] looking over to her from across the rocky clearing.

And her fear fades instantly.


Armand Berry

You know, it speaks to how amazing of an author you are that I feel the fear too!

Salomé Kandráčová

i don't ever do the N path with my detective. N is not really my cup of tea. despite this, or maybe because of this, i like to read these kinds of scenes, because then i get at least a bit of a sense of their route. which is all i need in regards to N (: but truly, Mishka, you write so well! even i can see that N, not the tea i usually sip, is so fucking well done (all the vampires and everyone else in the wayhaven series). like i am so amazed how well fleshed out these characters are and how well you know their voices and their traits! i am absolutely in awe with your hard work and the love you dare to share with the world! thank you (:

seraphinitegames (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-28 10:19:13 Aah, thank you so much!! These characters have been with me for so long, I see them so vividly in my head when I write! <3
2021-08-24 13:39:01 Aah, thank you so much!! These characters have been with me for so long, I see them so vividly in my head when I write! <3

Aah, thank you so much!! These characters have been with me for so long, I see them so vividly in my head when I write! <3