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Wow, what a week!

It felt like an intensely focused week this week! Not sure why it was that way, but it felt good :D

I think most of it was inspired by the fact that I finished A's scene waaay earlier in the week than I anticipated! That was a major boost of motivation! Though there was just one part in there where I had to take a moment 'cause I was like...

Obviously cause it was A, it was pretty intense :D But it was great to finally bring in these moments...

After A, I got stuck straight into the ending scenes…and I just completed it! At least 95% anyway. I just have to add in the bits of variation to account for the combat scenes after they're finished, which shouldn't take too long. The longest part was adding in variation to the scene so that different team members would speak and ask questions depending on who you had the previous scene with!

There's a few variations to the opening of the chapter 8 end scene that made me chuckle. N's particularly, depending on how you choose for the previous research scene to go, really made me smile :D

I think breaking the chapters down into scenes has REALLY been working for me this time around, and definitely something I will continue to do for future books. It makes it much more workable, especially on huge chapters like this. It seems like Chapter 8 (both versions of it) will come in well over 100,000 words once done, probably easing over 150,000, so working in chunks has really helped to make it less overwhelming!

I'm waiting to hear back from some sensitivity readers too. Hoping that'll be next week. I had thought about having them read chapter by chapter, as some of my other readers do, but one of the sensitivity readers has actually worked on a branching narrative game before, and he suggested waiting until the end so as it's a cohesive piece and much easier to spot things in. That now seems like the best idea, and not actually something I'd thought of :D

I've given them my hopeful goal date for when I want the writing of the book to be done by, so I'm just waiting on them to get back to me on whether they can fit it in at that time, as it will obviously be a very big task! Luckily it's a while away, so plenty of time to plan it in.

Next week, I'll be jumping straight into the combat version of Chapter 8 or continuing on with Chapter 7 edits (which I actually have started today! Yay!)...we'll see how it goes ;D


For Update+ this week, a rare moment of N getting all flustered...and more angst in the LT!


$!{felix} and $!{mason} let out a chortle of laughter before heading off together.

And while ${nate} continues to mutter out what I assume is a series of quiet curses, my focus shifts to ${adam}.

$!{a_she} stands stark straight for a while…before marching off down the hall without a word.


Hope you all have the most wonderful weekend! We'll be offline as usual, so we'll talk to you all soon <3



Very happy to hear about the sensitivity readers! Thank you for taking that step as well as the conscious bias training. It is really, very much appreciated and will be great! Wow! This chapter is going to be incredible. You've had me in my A feelings all week. ... will we know what kind of quiet curses N mutters? Akin to the quiet curses in the library in book 2? Have a great weekend &lt;3

Exana Zen

Oooooooh, I can’t wait for A’s scene!!! 😍 Anything Adam has me melting tbh, but something tells me this scene will leave me in tears.. ❤️


Have a lovely weekend! 💚


I am constantly amazed by the amount of work that goes into these books. 150,000 words is over the length of a novel! I'm in awe of you and also slightly scared of you because that is insane. 😂


Oooooooh. I can't wait to read this chapter 👀 The Combat/Research Scene in Book 2 was a lot of fun and I can't wait to see how it'll go now that some relationships are evolving!

Bz E

150k in one chapter... Wow... I can't tell if you're nuts or a complete genius! Jk you're great! We're looking forward to it!


Man, I love Wayhaven to pieces. All the characters and all the routes. But I just know that I'm living for that LT climax. Like, it's all I can think of! Which, by the way, we won't be getting in Book 3. Sometimes I really wish I could time travel to the point where the series has come to an end and just hole up in a bunker with nothing but a bed, a bathroom, and a phone so I can read everything in one go (and order takeout).


p.s. Thank you so much for the update, Sera!


Every update has me more and more excited to read the final product. Good on you for finding a writing method that works for you, because I know I’m not the only one that struggles with that part. 😅 Take care, Mishka!

Taylor S.

100,000 K+ words for ONE CHAPTER when that’s longer than some entire books is truly why you’re in your own lane. I absolutely adore you and all the love and hard work you put into Wayhaven. Thank you 💕


You’re .. AMAZING!!!! And sorry if this has been addressed before, how many chapters will this book have?