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I know, I know...I'm a spoilery mess in these Bit Extra posts lately! But I can't help it :D I'm so excited for the progression of these romances! Chapter 8 can be a big turning point for a lot of MC's and their LI's.

But obviously, it's based on choice, and I thought I'd share the outcome of one such (unedited) choice...


A smile begins to form, even if I try to contain it. "Are you saying…you're worried about me?"

$!{mason} glances back over ${m_his} shoulder for a second before scoffing. "I don't know what I'm saying."

"Considering we came here to learn, you seem to not know much at all," I reply, getting to my feet so as I can make my way over to stand at ${m_his} side.

$!{m_she} doesn't glance at my sudden presence beside ${m_him}, but I do notice ${m_his} body relax further. "Are you saying there's a book here that can figure it out for me?"

I scan the old tomes and spread of journals before pursing my lips. "Probably not."

$!{m_she} chuckles. 

"You didn't answer my question," I state.

$!{m_she} lifts a brow and looks over at me, the sun casting a bright glow across ${m_his} long, sharp features and adding a glimmer to the deep grey of ${m_his} eyes.

I almost forget what I was going to say.

"Yes?" ${m_she} prompts.

"Oh," I clear my throat, "Are you worried about me?"

$!{m_his} brow creases as ${m_she} stares out over the fuzzy treetops spread before us. $!{m_his} fingers fall to the cigarette packet in ${m_his} pocket before they slide away.

$!{m_she} turns to meet my eye. "Yeah. I really am." 


I'll be good for next month's Bit Extra...probably...hehe ;D

Hope you're all doing well! <3


Exana Zen

I LITERALLY SCREAMED. OMG, SERA!!!! WHAT!?! It’s like you want me to just stop functioning! Holy cow! 😱😱🥺😭❤️❤️

Jamie-lee Poitras

I appreciate this spoilery bit, very much. *internal squealing*