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M's Chapter 8 research scene is complete!

That was a really fun one to write, and I've been really eager to write a few of the key moments that popped up during this scene! :D

I changed a couple of moments when I thought of some better ones in the middle of the night earlier this week, but it was so worth it as they take the scene exactly where I wanted it to go.

I'll now be working on actually getting a quick plan up together for A's route and then getting to it! I mean, I'm so close to the end of all of the Chapter 8 research scenes, I figure I might as well keep going on it and do the Chapter 7 edits after, right? ;D

Especially because I'd already finished the love triangle scene for this version, which I didn't realise, lol! So that was a nice surprise as I was going through and checking how the chapter was flowing.

I started talking to some possible sensitivity readers this week, and it was interesting trying to explain what interactive fiction was, lol! I was like, 'Well, it's kind of a choose-your-own-story thing, but there's also dialogue choices and character choices not just paths to choose, so it's story but also a game...'. They seemed very interested to check it out though! 

I also got in contact with an unconscious bias professional (called Tina, so I’m taking that as a good sign!), who is helping me find the best course. But she has been so amazingly helpful and kind. She’s given some great advice, and one thing she said really stuck with me. It’s how I need to make sure I take the time to think about what I’m reading or posting. Instead of just scanning through and posting because I'm trying to check off a tick box, take the time that I put aside once a week for social media and really process the task.

But as for the writing, after A's scene, there is an extra bit at the end to bring the two versions of Chapter 8 together. Not sure whether to write that after finishing A's, or whether to wait until the combat version is done. But I'll see where I'm at with A's when I'm done, 'cause that's going to be quite an intense scene too...


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd share a little snippet that related to my post earlier this week on M and those building emotions...


"Not…knowing?" I repeat in slow words. "Not knowing about what?"

Eventually, ${m_she} forces ${m_his} fingers through ${m_his} hair as ${m_his} shoulders drop. "Not knowing why I'm so goddamn scared if he takes you away from me."


Also, I'm super glad you guys enjoyed the Unseen Scene this week! I can't wait to continue that series. Thank you for your input about the variations. It seemed to be fine, but someone suggested making it a bit clearer where the text began after the variations, so I'll try that next time too.

We'll be offline over the weekend as usual, so hope you all have a fabulous weekend, and I'll talk to you soon! <3



I’m happy that you’re working with sensitivity readers and bias awareness professionals! Especially taking the initiative to reach out to an actual professional for guidance on bias and diversity training is a great first step. Also thank you for being transparent with us about these steps. I hope you’ll keep up the transparency going forward to gain back that trust with the fanbase again, especially the fans who’ve been hurt the most.


Wow! You were very busy and seemed to have gotten a lot done! I agree with someone else who said that inclusivity is important, but also be sure that you can stay true to your authentic self. I love your beautiful work and Wayhaven, and it should be something everyone can enjoy and see themselves in; I just wouldn't want to see it become so heavily censored to the point were it's not even the same story anymore. Keeping the fun and magic alive while being sensitive and aware of how different people may perceive the writing would be the ultimate balance. I have faith in whatever you do, so I know your writing will continue to be phenomenal ❤


Hope you guys have a restful weekend! These updates always make my Friday! But especially this one. Morgan I am drawing you a map of your heart, it's got pictures and arrows and everything


Mishka, thank you for being such a considerate creator. Reading about the initiative you're taking to be inclusive with your work and audience made me legitimately emotional. I teared up over my coffee this morning! I appreciate you endlessly and feel so fortunate to engage with your story.


Ahh Mason, he fully has my heart! ❤️ But… can you imagine Sin does manage to take the detective or gets badly injured, and then it hits him like a ton of bricks that he loves them…

Anastasia Bale

My detective is about ready to clobber M and A with a heart shaped rock soon 😂 I am living for softM!


Thank you for the M snippet. I love that M is opening up more and allowing themself to be a little vulnerable with the detective. I really like how all the romances are progressing. Have a lovely weekend.


Is M finally realizing he actually has feelings for the detective? I need that lol.


Are we getting the book 3 demo q&amp;a soon??


Pretty sure Sera's plan for A's route could fit into a single word, and the word would be "pain". Anyway, I love seeing M getting frustrated with those, as humans call them, emotions. Love that for M, I want that grumpy ball of sass to be happy. Thank you for the update, Sera. You're making an amazing progress with the new chapters. Can't wait for more Unseen Scenes!

Tyrandial Agacia

Poor sweet naive M. I know innocent isn't a word one would usually associate with M but in this case, yes... poor sweet innocent M. 🥰


M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😭