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“Uhhhh…” My groan is as pathetic as expected but finished with a bout of throaty coughs that I don’t expect.

My throat burns as I try to get the coughing under control.

“Oh, [redactedpetname],” Nat coos as she enters the room with a tray. She places it down on the side table and crawls onto the bed beside me, drawing me closer. I shuffle my body under the duvet to snuggle next to her.

Her warm comfort helps ease the tightness constricting my chest, and I take the first—mostly clear—breath I’ve managed in days.

“Why didn’t you tell me it was so bad?” she asks, a slight frown on her features punctuating the question. “I would have come home right away.”

“You were on—” another hacking cough, “a mission.”

“Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, will ever prevent me from returning to you when you need me,” she states, running a hand down my cheek and swiping away a small bead of sweat.

My body shakes beneath her touch, and I wish it was from excitement, but a chill rushes through me as a sneeze builds.

I manage to grab a tissue just in time before looking back to her through blurry eyes.

Her expression doesn’t flinch for a second, even though I know how I must look: bloodshot eyes, shiny, dripping nose, and not exactly looking radiant.

“You still going to stick to that promise when I look like this?” I choke out, trying to add a laugh but it gasps out as more of a wheeze.

She cups my face to turn my attention back to her. “You are you, no matter how you look or sound. As long as this remains the same,” she places a hand over my chest, the touch helping to ease the pressure clogging my lungs, “then it doesn’t matter what changes on the outside.”

I blink a few times, my foggy brain taking a moment to process the words, before I lean into her with as much of a smile as I can muster. “You’ll make me think I’m hallucinating if you say stuff like that. You always seem too good to be true.”

A strained laugh echoes from her before she quickly glances away.

“Now will you try to eat something?” she asks, leaning over to grab the tray and place it on my lap. Steam curls up from a bowl of soup, a piece of fresh bread spread with golden butter beside it. A smile manages to perk my weary lips at the small posy of daisies in the corner of the tray.

“What is it?” I tentatively lean forward to sniff at the soup but can smell nothing through my blocked sinuses.

“Hearty vegetable soup,” she replies. “I made it myself. And you know how offended I’ll be if you don’t try to eat even a bite.”

I raise a brow. “Are you saying that just so I’ll eat?”

“Of course not. Would I deceive you in such a way?” A smile laces across her lips as she leans in to kiss my cheek. “Just a few mouthfuls.”

“Fine,” I mumble, trying my best to pick up the spoon with a wad of tissues in my hand.

She settles down beside me, watching each spoonful I force down.

When I can only five mouthfuls she takes it away, snuggles up beside me, and doesn’t move a muscle as I fall into a feverish sleep across her lap.


Bit of themed bonus content this week as I have been really ill, ugh. But I let it inspire me for this scenario, hehe :D  

Might actually do a series of these with each of the LIs looking after an ill MC! Would that be something you guys would be interested in?



Absolutely love this,you have such a gift to make your works feel like there alive, organic. Like I'm watching a show through words(if tha makes any sense at all). To answer your question I personally would love to read more like this. Love has many roles. And tending to your sick loved one of those roles. I was smiling from the first sentence. Thank you for this


I'm dying to see Morgan in this scenario lol. I neeeeeeeeeed it :O

Salomé Kandráčová

Mishka, I would absolutely love to see each Ro handle a sick detective. Like, I absolutely need to know how F would try to cheer the mc up, how M will groan and find ways to implement innuendo’s, and how A would wish they could fight a disease with their bare hands. I NEED to know how they would handle things. It’s important, for research and all that jazz. Also, I really wish you feel better soon! Take a holiday if that is what you need! Be careful with yourself! Times are stressful enough as they are. And there is only one you!


'Like I'm watching a show through words' - This is exactly how I want my writing to feel!! Thank you so much for the incredibly encouraging comment. This really meant a lot <3

Thomas Fieldburn

Of course it's something we'll be interested in. Why would you even ask that?


'A would wish they could fight a disease with their bare hands' -This is so accurate, lol! And thank you so much for the kind wishes! <3 <3 <3


Ahhh just as I've gotten injured this story came out. How magnificent. Get well soon!

Minato Enomoto

i always love how you write a variety of situations for MC and Unit Bravo whether its significant or small but whatever you do, it is always an enjoyment to read your stories so fuck yeah we would love more of these from each of the ROs!! have fun and take care Mishka ✌🏻


Lmaoooo I would LOVE to see how A and M would react to a snotty LI. Aww and F too I bet they’d try their best 🥰🥰


When would I not be interested in that?!? This is awesome!

Skippy Hugo

Now repeat after me: In sickness and in health...


Aah, I'm so glad you enjoy them! Everything is always quite dramatic in the stories (obviously, I love my melodrama too, hehe!), but it's nice to get a chance to share these more domestic type scenes with you guys here!


I could wax philosophical about N all day! My favorite part here is Nat asking to please not offend her by not eating the soup she’s worked so hard at making 🥺🥺 I /love/ her N is such an amazing caretaker. Dropping everything to take care of their beloved. Making soup! Cuddles and hugs. Thank you for such a wonderful scene. I hope you get to feeling better! 💕 (I have a can of hearty vegetable soup in my pantry with N’s name on it)


N is definitely one of the top care takers of the group! They really know just what a person needs to feel that much better :)

Jason Bond

Loved this! I knew Nat would be sweet!