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Remember that editing of Chapter 7 I was gonna focus on this week? And then Felix/Farah was all like, 'Hey, why don't you write my scene instead? You know you seriously want to...'

So yeah, I got a ton done on F's Research scene this week, hehe! :D

I completely finished the whole first section, so I only have the end section to go! 

I actually changed my mind about what is going to happen for that scene. I had a plan, and it was a good plan, but then about 3 o'clock in the morning I though of a WAY better plan!

I was getting very indulgent with Felix/Farah's in relationship scene, as well as if you plan to start the relationship with them at this moment.

At one point, I did think to myself, 'Are there too many kisses in this scene?' and then my inner voice was like...

And I didn't want to go against my inner voice, you know? ;D

Me and Nai also recorded the Book Three Demo YouTube video this week, which was great fun! It was so nice to sit down and just chat and answer questions on the demo. Getting to talk about how things came about or some more depth to what the scenes might mean ('Do this for me...' ;D)

That is actually going to be a two-part video that goes up because we got very carried away  and it is loooooong, lol!

Next week, I will be getting F's scene worked on, and maybe even actually starting on those Chapter 7 edits...if M's scene doesn't become too much of a temptation after F's, hehe! :D


For Update+ this week, I wanted to share a little moment of getting to bring things back from other books :D


*if (sideshowwin = "truefelix")

$!{f_his} words take longer to process than they should, but only because I'm distracted by the way ${f_his} free hand is fiddling with the unicorn pendant around ${f_his} neck. 

A smile catches my lips. But I shake my head to focus back on the task at hand.


Don't worry if you didn't get the pendant! There will obviously be other things instead! There's 7 books worth of moments and meaningful scenes to happen!

Hope you all have the most amazing weekend, and I'll talk to you soon! <3



Its okay, Mishka. We all understand that F's scene was too powerful to ignore in favor of edits. Also too many kisses in an F scene? Never. Could never happen. I strongly feel that there are many F scenes with not enough kisses, personally.

Stephanie Beth

When it comes to F, one can never have too many kisses. I concur. 💗


The unicorn pendant! &lt;3 Have a great weekend, Mishka :D


Yes! Indulge that inner voice!! :D


F gives me so many happy feels - I love their route so, so much. I'll start preparing myself now for the huge grin I'll have reading the mushy glory.

Skippy Hugo

Living for the F scenes

Salomé Kandráčová

Mishka, there are never too many kisses, there is no such thing as too many kisses! Silly woman (mean this in a kind way, not mean or anything!). Can't wait to have the detective place hundred of butterfly kisses all over F's face &lt;3

Michael Reddy

I always love hearing about Farah

Lilli H

Never too many kisses! So exciting to hear all you've been doing. I don't know how you do it all. You're amazing! 😁
