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Oh my, my, my.... ;)



I can't wait to read book 3 about 10 times and still not have enough



Damar Glover

This definitely has to belong to either M or F


Between and the post earlier.... Methink N is breaking out the hot moves 👀

Taylor S.

Idk how I’m gonna survive this wait 😭


*Cries in A-mancer* 😅


I'll cry with you 😭 atleast we're getting sneak peaks tho

Lilli H

Can't wait! 🔥🔥🔥


Ooh, I'm hoping it's an N scene 😏

Tyrandial Agacia

Only ten?? I think I've gone through at least a hundred play throughs of books 1 and 2 to get all my different choices saved for all the members of UB. Obsessed? Yes... yes I am, thank you for noticing. 🤭


Haha your right 10 might not be enough I will now go back and read book 1 and 2

Sarah Bulmer

I may be an A-Mancer main, but boyyyy am I excited for the potential steaminess of the other routes..... Book 3 when? :P


What I am super curious about is how the scenes are gonna unfold with the LT if we do get some steamy scenes with A whilst dating N, or if it's just gonna be pure angst and mutual pining 🔍👀

Sarah Bulmer

We A-mancers know the agony we have gotten ourselves into. We will get our sexy times, eventually. In the meantime, we can live vicariously through the other RO's.