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Adam paces the small space near the front desk of the station, his boots thudding with each careful stride.

“Could you not?” Morgan chides with a frown.

“He’s just nervous, aren’t you?” Farah says with a smile over at him. “It’s always that way meeting someone new. Well, sort of new. Last night doesn’t count.” She leans her arm on the desk beside Morgan, the young man behind it not paying attention to them in the least. “What if they don’t like us?”

“How could they not like you, Farah?” Nate asks, not even a sliver of sarcasm on the words, only a true smile to back up the words.

The heartfelt sentiment receives a roll of the eyes from Morgan.

“I’m not nervous,” Adam states to bring the conversation back on track. “But we are supposed to be keeping this human—” He stumbles to a halt realising the young man manning the front desk is sat nearby. The boy—once again—doesn’t even glance up at Adam’s rare fumble. “We’re supposed to be protecting this detective. It is a responsibility.”

“A big one considering they’re Agent [Surname]’s kid,” Morgan comments with a scoff. “Did you even know she had one?”

“I—” Nate begins before Rebecca leans from the doorway and gestures them inside.

The group trail towards the small office amongst the clutter of desks that surround it, no organisation or thought to their apparent placement. Adam does his best to ignore the chaos of the station and instead follows the others into the office.


Inside, Adam waits for the others to settle before slipping his muscled frame into the strange sort-of line up they’ve made, but glances back over his shoulder to make sure their exit is still easily accessed.

"Detective [Name Surname], I'd like you to meet my team: Unit Bravo,” Rebecca says, drawing Adam’s focus back into the room and directly onto the person introduced.

The floor seems to fall from beneath Adam’s feet as he locks eyes with the human.

He sucks in a silent breath as, for the first time in centuries, his heart beats a sudden racing rhythm in his chest. It pounds against his ribs, demanding to be felt, demanding to be heard, demanding he take notice of this Detective.

It takes all of his considerable strength not to reach up and clasp at his chest as the thundering overcomes him—as it threatens to drown him in sudden emotion as he struggles to think or even breathe beneath the raging storm of it.

The human turns to introduce themself to Nate, but the words in the room swim about Adam’s head. He shakes it slightly, unaccustomed to having his senses deafened in anyway.

What on Earth is happening?

That’s when the human’s gaze slides to meet his again.

And Adam knows.

The racing of his heart steadies to a slow, heavy pace as he gazes into the human’s eyes. His limbs tingle as their focus continues to linger on him. His body surges with heat.

He knows.

Fear soon erupts inside of him, bringing his senses back to laser-sharp focus, and he is grateful for the respite of what this human is forcing out from him.

He tightens his jaw and stares down the Detective. But the emotions the Detective continues to compel from him threaten to drown him once more as his gaze remains frozen…so he looks away. He can’t remember the last time he surrendered to anyone.

This can’t be true. It’s not possible.

His teeth grind together as he stiffens on the spot.

He won’t let it be true. He won’t let it be possible.

His fists tighten at his sides, and he forces his mind and body to relax. The room begins to swim back into full consciousness as he drives the emotion deep down.

And thankfully, once more, he’s in control…even as the wealth of longing claws at its new cage inside of him.



Now I have to know, does he love her in every route?

Erbbie Staas

I am imagining the goofiest anime monologue going on in his head as I read this