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So, one of my $50 patrons had an Ava birthday-themed personalised scenario last month, and he really wanted all of you to be able to enjoy it too on her actual birthday!


“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” We all manage to yell it at the same time, and in a relatively coordinated sing-song tune. Except Morgan, who grunts out the words I think are ‘Happy Birthday’ before slouching against the wall and striking up a cigarette.

“Way to get into the party spirit,” Farah comments, throwing her a couple of thumbs up with a smile that radiates sarcasm.

Morgan shakes her head and blows out a stream of smoke, but Nat picks the cigarette from between her lips and stubs it out in a cut-glass ash tray.

“What th—”

“You’ll set the bunting on fire,” Nat explains, nodding her head up while dusting off any remaining ash from her long fingers. Morgan glances up with disdain creasing her brow at the triangular fabric bunting that streams overhead, the bright polka-dot colours matching the rest of the party décor littering the room.

Meanwhile, Ava stands in the doorway of the warehouse’s kitchen, wide-eyed and with a white-knuckled grip on the box of reports she’s grasping.

I move closer, wrapping an arm about her waist and feeling the tension drain out of her as I pull her close to my side. “I couldn’t stop Farah. You know what she’s like with birthdays.”

“And it will be the same for every birthday. Just in warning for the rest of our eternity together,” she states, pointing a finger at each vampire in turn.

Ava sighs and places down the box on the table, rubbing at the bridge of her arched nose. “Just please tell me there’s no—”


A popper spews out a stream of confetti from behind Ava, the bright shreds of paper floating in the air before landing with little kisses over Ava’s hunched shoulders.

My gaze drops at the sound of ripping cardboard, Ava’s fingers shredding through the box’s handles.

“Uh, maybe I should take her for a break from the festivities,” I suggest, rubbing my hand on the small of her back so as she lets her contained breath.

Farah flops against the counter, the confetti popper limp in her hand. “But she only just arrived.”

“And that seems to be enough,” Nat says with a shake of her head but a smile on her lips. She glances towards me. “I’ll bring you both up some cake later.”

“There’s cake too?!” Ava expels with a grimace before I manage to tug her away out of the kitchen and into the serenity of the hall.


As we wander side by side down the corridor, I look over to Ava. She rolls her neck out, swiping the back of her hand across her forehead and dislodging a lock of hair. I smile at it as it tickles against her cheek.

“I really did tell Farah it was a bad idea,” I explain, shoving one of my hands into my pocket and shrugging. “After last year’s debacle—when you were actually aware of the party—I figured a surprise one probably would go down even worse.”

“You were correct in your assumption,” she groans, letting her hand fall to her side where it finds one of mine. I let her twine her fingers into mine as we go.

I pause, tugging on her hand to turn her to face me. “I did get you something though.”

She arches a brow. “You did?”

“It is your birthday.”

“Please stop saying that.”

I laugh lightly and nod. “All right. Follow me.”

We continue on down the hall, and I can sense Ava’s hesitance as she trails a couple of steps behind.

When we reach our room, I grab for the handle then pause and turn back. “Close your eyes.”

She squints. “Why?”

I drop my shoulders and tilt my head. “Please will you just do it?”

She glances from the door back to me before, very slowly, closing her eyes and gripping my hand tighter. I glance down at the touch. There would have been a time, a few years ago, when she never would have trusted me with her safety. Not even with something as small as walking her into a room.

My heart swells in my chest, but I draw in a breath to stifle the feeling and push open the door.

When I have her situated just right, she frowns, casting about as though still able to see.

“Can I open them now?” she asks.

I angle closer and kiss her lightly on the lips, noticing the dimples that appear in her cheeks as I do so.


She blinks her eyes open, adjusting to the beam of light from the window. When she does manage to see, her gaze trails upwards to the new portrait that hangs on the wall. Her mouth falls open as she stares at it with piercing intent.

“That is—”

“You,” I finish.

Ava’s stern features are so much softer in the painting. Her hair is long, braided back from her face, a tunic thrown over her strong figure, and even a slight smile on her expression. It’s not even as close to perfect as the real thing I have now, but it’s a beautiful portrait all the same.

Her head begins to shake slowly as she backs away, turning on the spot to retreat.

I reach for her before she can leave, tugging her close and cupping her cheek with the other hand.

“You were, and still are, an amazing person,” I state. “Who you were then is part of who you are now. What you did, what you’ve done…you are the woman I love. All of you.”

A misting of tears springs up in her eyes. “You cannot mean that.”

“I mean it more than anything I’ve ever said in my life.”

Her gaze scans mine before turning back to the portrait. A frown appears across her brow.

“Thank you,” she mumbles.

I wrap my fingers around the back of her neck to draw her into an embrace she instantly relaxes into.

“Happy birthday, Ava.”

“…Please stop saying that.”

I laugh.


Happy Birthday to Commanding Agent Du Mortain! <3



Awwww, this is very sweet c: Happy Birthday, Angst du Mortain! We hope you get 900 more!

Syakirah Nasser

When we reach "our room" 👀 heh.


As soon as I saw she was ok with the detective touching her waist and her being ok with it, yep deep romance that I will yearn for years to come 😭

John Hayden

Ahh I wanna be a $50 Patron dang haha


Thank you for sharing and for the patron who let all of us see it! 💚

Michael Reddy

What a wonderful patron ... it’s SOOOOO weird seeing Ava actual in a romance


ive been thinking about "our room" all day.

Sarah Bulmer

It's amazing how two simple words destroyed my heart and soul. "our room"..... please, I cannot. I squealed so much and it was the middle of the night. Deep romance A will kill me. Happy birthday, Grumble Butt. We will always love you &lt;3


Everything about this is so sweet; both the story AND the kind Patron.